System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual
Page 19

TABle 2. GenerAl FielD DeSCripTionS
TABle 6. AlArm/FAulT relAY lATChinG CheCK BoX DeSCripTionS
TABle 3. DeviCe DATe AnD Time FielD DeSCripTionS
TABle 4. BuTTon loCK-ouT CheCK BoX DeSCripTionS
TABle 5. BuTTon ACTivATion FielD DeSCripTionS
Facility Name
Enter the name of the facility where the
device is installed
Facility Location
Enter the address of the facility
Device Location
Enter the area or location in the facility where the
system is located
Contact Person
Enter the name of the person responsible for oper-
ating and maintaining the system
Selecting this box latches the Alert alarm
Action 1
Selecting this box latches the Action 1 alarm
Action 2
Selecting this box latches the Action 2 alarm
Fire 1
Selecting this box latches the Fire 1 alarm
Fire 2
Selecting this box latches the Fire 2 alarm
Selecting this box latches the Minor fault
12. When the information on this screen is complete, select the Apply button
to make the changes. PipeIQ will inquire if you wish to send the changes
to the device. If this is not desired, select No and select the save icon to
save the changes.
13. Select the Relays and Thresholds tab at the top of the window and select
the appropriate relay and threshold settings for the system as referenced in
Table 7. Next, select the Acclimate mode or the start and end times for the
Day, Night and Weekend modes, if desired, as shown in Figure 6.
Be sure that all of the information selected and entered is in accordance with
local codes and regulations.
The Acclimate Mode area of the screen allows the user to enable or disable the
Acclimate feature. This feature automatically adjusts alarm levels within user
specified parameters to reduce nuisance alarms.
Acclimate mode allows the system to automatically adjust the alarm points
between the specified minimum and maximum sensitivities that are selected
by the user. The user chooses the boundaries for each alarm level and the
system starts as close to the upper boundary of the alarm setting as it can,
based on the local environment. The system monitors the environment for
the first 24 hours of operation and then adjusts the alarm level based on the
readings over that initial 24-hour period. By allowing the system to operate
in Acclimate mode, the system’s susceptibility to nuisance alarms is reduced.
This provides maximum protection for an area that may have a varying or
higher than normal background level.
After the initial 24-hour period, the system adjusts the alarm point based on
the particulate level over a 1 hour period. The sensitivity of the system contin-
ues to slowly and continuously adjust over time, increasing and decreasing as
the local environment changes.
The user can select the boundaries for each alarm level. It is also possible
to have a static alarm level by adjusting the high and low boundaries for an
alarm to the same level. This allows the flexibility to have acclimate levels for
some alarms and static levels for others. Table 8 shows the various levels that
are available.
In Acclimate mode, the Day, Night and Weekend settings are disabled and the
minimum and maximum threshold levels are enabled to control the alarms.
The start and end times for the system to enter night mode does not apply
when the system is running in Acclimate mode.
If the Disable setting is selected under Acclimate Mode, then the Day/Night/
Weekend settings must be completed in the Threshold Levels section. Values can
be entered for each alarm level with a respective delay in seconds. Refer to the
FAAST Maintenance and Instruction Manual for approved settings and ranges.
Device Date
Allows the user to set the system clock to the cur-
rent date . Select the arrow to the right of the date .
A calendar appears allowing the user to choose
the correct month, date and year
Device Time
Allows the user to set the system clock to the
current time . Highlight the hour and click on the
up or down arrows to set the hour . Repeat for the
minute, second and AM/PM settings
Button Lock-Out
The Test, Reset and Isolate button settings allow
the user to activate or de-activate the Test, Reset
or Isolate buttons on the user interface
Enter the 4-digit code to used to unlock the Test,
Reset and Disable buttons on the user interface
Confirm Passcode
Enter the same 4-digit code again to confirm it
FiGure 6. relAYS AnD ThreSholD ConFiGurATion TAB
SS-400-007 19 E56-3621-003