System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual
Page 12

FiGure 24. pipe WiZArD DeTeCTor loCATion SCreen
FiGure 25. pipe WiZArD DeTAilS SCreen
The Pipe Screen prompts for the type of pipe material being used, the pipe
diameter, and the sample hole size.
To select the pipe material being used, select the down arrow to the right of
the Pipe material field and select the appropriate material.
The available options for pipe materials are:
• PE
• Other
SS-400-007 12 E56-3621-003
CAUTION: When detectors are located outside the protected area, the air flow
should be exhausted back into the protected area, if possible, to avoid issues
with pressure differentials between the locations.
To enter the distance from the floor where the detector will be installed, high-
light the default value and type in the desired value.
When all settings are correct, select the Next button to move to the next page
of the wizard, the Details Screen, as shown in Figure 25.
The Details Screen provides a listing of all the parameters created for the pipe
network design as shown in Figure 25. Review the information carefully and
press Finish to complete the wizard. The pipe network details are displayed in
the right pane of the PipeIQ screen.
FiGure 22. pipe WiZArD pipe neTWorK SCreen WiTh CApillArY TuBeS
The Pipe Network Screen prompts for the location of the pipe network within
the protected area. To change the location of the network, select the down ar-
row to the right of the Pipe Location field and select the appropriate location
(Below Ceiling, Above Ceiling or Below Floor). Next enter the distance below
or above the ceiling or floor where the pipe network will be installed by high-
lighting the default value and typing the desired value.
If the pipe network is located above the ceiling, the screen shown in Figure 22
opens. This is where the use of capillary tubes and the diameter of the tubes
can be specified.
FiGure 23. pipe WiZArD pipe properTieS SCreen
Next determine the Pipe Network Direction and select the appropriate radio
button (Left to Right, Top to Bottom, Right to Left or Bottom to Top).
When all settings are correct, select the Next button to move to the next page
of the wizard, the Pipe Screen, as shown in Figure 23.
moniTorinG The DeviCeS
Using the PipeIQ software, users and administrators can monitor networked
FAAST detectors. A FAAST detector may be monitored either using the PipeIQ
software or an Ethernet connection and a web browser (see the Web Browser Ac-
cess section instructions relating to the Web Access function).
PipeIQ offers the ability to check the status of the FAAST device, track events,
view message logs and look for trends. The user has access to stored and live
events. Graphs can be generated for the smoke level of the selected FAAST
detector in real time or over a selected period of time.
Note: This section describes the Administrator level monitoring functions of
PipeIQ. To connect PipeIQ to a FAAST device refer to the Connect section of
this manual. In the Read-Only mode, some operating functions are restricted.
FiGure 21. pipe WiZArD pipe neTWorK SCreen
To select the Pipe Diameter being used in the network, select the down arrow
to the right of the Pipe Diameter field and select the appropriate diameter. If
Other is chosen, the ID field is enabled and the diameter may be changed by
highlighting the default value and typing in the value.
To select the proper Sample Hole Size, select the down arrow to the right of
the Sample Hole Size field and select the appropriate size.
When all settings are correct, select the Next button to move to the next page
of the wizard, the Detector Screen, as shown in Figure 24.
The Detector Location screen prompts for the location of the detector, either inside or
outside the protected area and for the height of the detector above the floor.
To select the location of the detector, select the appropriate radio button
(Inside Room or Outside Room).
When all settings are correct, select the Next button to move to the next page
of the wizard, the Pipe Network Screen, as shown in Figure 21.