System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual
Page 13

FiGure 26. remoTe moniTorinG oF uSer inTerFACe pAnel
FiGure 27. moniTorinG The TrenD GrAph
live view
Select the Monitoring tab in the lower left corner of the window to view a Live
View of the FAAST system status, as shown in Figure 26. This view shows the
User Interface panel of the FAAST system. In this mode the screen refreshes
approximately every 15 seconds. Therefore, there may be a slight delay be-
tween the detector user interface and the Live View in PipeIQ.
In this view the Test, Reset and Isolate buttons are live and can be used to
activate the functions on the FAAST detector (as noted this applies only in
administrative access in the PipeIQ software mode).
Trend Graphs
The system also allows the viewing of trend graphs. Trend graphs represent
obscuration over time so that the live and stored trends of the system can be
reviewed to ensure proper operation and find potential problems in the pro-
tected environment.
Select the View Trend Graph link to view the Trend Graph. This opens a split
screen with the trend graph on the lower portion of the screen, the live view
on the upper half and trend graph settings on the lower right, as shown in
Figure 27.
The trend graph can display either live or stored data. The settings can be
modified through the interface in the lower right panel. The Date, Trend
Mode, colors, update rates and other settings can be configured.
FiGure 28. moniTor TrenD opTionS
TrenD moDe
Trend mode indicates whether the graph is displaying live or stored data. If a
live trend is chosen the Date field defaults to the current date. If stored trend
is chosen then the Date field is required.
live Trend
To review current events in the system, select Live in the Trend Mode field as
shown in Figure 28. Choose Start to begin viewing live data. Use the Zoom In
and Zoom Out controls to fit the data as desired.
Stored Trend
To view historical data, select Stored in the Trend Mode field on the right
side of the window. Choose Start to begin retrieval of the historical trend data
stored in the FAAST detector. When retrieval has completed, use the Date field
and Zoom controls to fit the data on the trend graph as desired.
FiGure 29. TrenD moniTorinG SeTTinGS
SS-400-007 13 E56-3621-003
If the trend graph is operating in Stored mode, then a date must be entered in
the date field. Use the drop down arrow to display a calendar and select the
desired date.
The settings for monitoring trends may be adjusted. Alarm Settings, Threshold
Scaling, Data Settings and Trend Update Rates are modified from the Settings
window, as shown in Figure 29. Select the Settings button to open the window.
The Alarm Settings area of the window displays the alarm levels that can be
selected to be monitored. Choose the appropriate Alarm Settings by selecting
the check box next to the Alarm level. To change the color of the Alarm Level,
click on the color sample next to the level. The custom color palette shown
in Figure 30 opens. This is where the color of each individual alarm level can
be selected.
Threshold Scaling can be monitored dynamically which automatically ad-
justs the scale to fit the range or by using a Maximum Obscuration level,
which allows scale adjustment of the graph. If Maximum Obscuration is cho-
sen, identify the level in the field to the right of the radio button. Select the
appropriate radio button in the Threshold Scaling area.
The Trend Update Rate can be set in five second increments up to a maximum of
five minutes. Use the up and down arrows or enter numbers directly to set the
number of minutes and seconds to the desired time.