System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual

Page 14

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FiGure 31. loG vieW

live events
Live Events allows the viewer to see current activities at a specific FAAST de-
vice. The log viewer provides the device ID, a description of the event and the
time it occurred. The Live Events sections can generate a Report.

The report can be generated by selecting the Report button, which opens the
PipeIQ Report Viewer. This screen as, shown in Figure 33, provides calendar fields
and sort selection buttons. The report itself is first sorted by a start and end date.

To adjust the Start Date, select the down arrow to the right of the Start Date
field. This opens an interactive calendar, as shown in Figure 32. Select the day
and month for the start of the report. To set the Hour, Minute, Second and
AM/PM time for the Start Date, highlight each element and type the required
time. Follow the same process to create the End Date.

FiGure 32. inTerACTive CAlenDAr

Additionally, the report is sorted by Ascending or Descending order by choos-
ing the corresponding radio button. Once the report parameters have been
determined, select Show to create the report.

FiGure 33. pipeiQ reporT vieWer SCreen

To clear the live event viewer, click the Clear Live Events button.
Stored events
Stored events can be reviewed by selecting the Stored Events tab at the top
of the right pane. This shows the events stored in the memory of the FAAST
device and allows reports to be generated showing past activity. An example
of a Stored Events report is shown in Figure 34.

Note: The Reset button on the Report Viewer Screen clears the entire Stored
Events log on the FAAST device.



FiGure 34. SToreD evenTS reporT eXAmple



User generated messages can be reviewed by selecting the Messages tab at the
top of the right pane. This shows any messages (notes) generated by selecting
the Add Message button. When the Add Message button is selected, a small
text box opens at the bottom of the Messages area. Any notes may be added
and stored on the FAAST detector. When the message is complete, select the
Send Message button to store the message. To clear the messages from the
device memory, select the Clear Messages button.

SS-400-007 14 E56-3621-003


FiGure 30. CuSTom Color pAleTTe

The Start button begins the process of retrieving the data for the trend graph.
When the button is selected, the label changes to Stop. To stop recording data
for the trend graph, press the Stop button.

The Plus button gives the option to zoom in on the trend graph to view it in
greater detail. The Minus button gives the option to zoom out on the trend
graph and view it over a longer period of time.
CloSe TrenD
The Close Trend link closes the trend graph display displaying only the User
Interface Panel.
loG vieW
The Log View presents the events that have occurred, such as alarm activa-
tion, fault triggers or password changes. The detector can store up to 18,000
events. Arrows allow for quick forward or backward movement within the
event log. To enter the Log View, select the Log View tab located at the lower
left corner of the bottom pane. There are three tabs, as shown in Figure 31,
within the Log View: Live Events, Stored Events and Messages. The Live
and Stored Events tabs include a Reports button, which opens the
PipeIQ Report Viewer. This screen provides calendar fields and sort selection
buttons for the report.
