System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual
Page 5

SiTe ConFiGurATion
When a new project is created, the factory default settings are used to create
all of the objects. Any number of buildings, floors, and devices can be created
for a project. The settings can also be modified, depending on the values re-
quired to meet local codes and regulations.
Using PipeIQ, the site can be configured to install the pipe network for the
FAAST system. Before installing the pipe network, the environment must
be created where the pipe network is to be installed by configuring some
general parameters, such as facility name, location and so on. After config-
uration is complete, the information is sent to the FAAST detector via the
Ethernet connection. Default settings can be used for installer and application
proJeCT ConFiGurATion
In the left pane, select the Configuration tab near the bottom of the window
and double-click on the name of the project, located near the top of the win-
dow. For example: New Project. The project configuration screen appears in
the right pane, as shown in Figure 5. Select the OK button at the bottom of the
window to accept the information.
FiGure 5. proJeCT ConFiGurATion SCreen
Fill in the fields shown in Table 9:
TABle 9. proJeCT ConFiGurATion FielDS
Specify the name of the project .
Specify the name of the person who is installing the system .
Pipe Type
Specify the type of pipe material being used .
Specify the site address .
Verify the units of measure, either US Customary System
or Metric .
Note: This value is selected when creating the project .
Building Configuration
A specific name can be provided for the default building or any new building
that is created. To name the building, double-click on Building1 in the left
pane. The Building1 screen opens in the right pane. Highlight the current
name and type in the desired building name, then select the OK button at the
bottom of the window to accept the new name.
To add a new building, right-click on the project icon and select Add Build-
ing. Alternatively, highlight the project name and select Add Building from
the Edit menu at the top.
Floor Configuration
After finishing the building configuration, the floor must be configured by
providing the necessary information. To configure the floor, double-click on
the Floor name in the left pane. The Floor screen opens in the right pane.
Highlight the current name and type in the appropriate floor name, then click
the OK button at the bottom of the window to accept the new name.
Additional devices can be added to a floor, if required. To add devices to a floor,
right-click on the floor icon and then select Add FAAST Device or highlight the
floor name and select Add FAAST Device from the Edit menu.
Floors can also be added to a building depending on the requirements of the
project. To add floors to a building, right-click on the building icon and select Add
Floor or highlight the building name and select Add Floor from the Edit menu.
DeviCe ConFiGurATion
General Tab
The General tab section contains general device configuration parameters such as
the site, date and time, the detection category, and button lock-out options.
To view the General tab, ensure the Configuration tab in the lower left cor-
ner of the window is highlighted and double-click on the device you wish to
configure. The configuration information opens in the right pane, as shown
in Figure 6. The General tab is displayed. Using the General tab, details such as
the name of the facility, the location of the site, the device location, the contact
person, the altitude and the nominal temperature of the area can be entered.
To configure the general device options, fill in the information specified in
Table 10.
FiGure 6. GenerAl ConFiGurABle pArAmeTerS For FAAST DeviCe
moDel SeleCTion
Using the drop down menu, select the model number for the device you are
configuring. This selection is used to customize PipeIQ for the model variant
being programmed.
Certain intelligent models will require some configuration options be pro-
gramed through the Fire Alarm Control Panel. Refer to the panel manufac-
turer’s manual for instructions on programming a device via the Fire Alarm
TABle 10. GenerAl DeviCe opTionS
Facility Name
Enter the name of the facility where the device is
installed .
Facility Location
Enter the address of the facility .
Device Location
Enter the name of the location where the detector is
installed .
Contact Person
Enter the name of the person who is responsible for
the system .
FiGure 4. proJeCT SeTTinGS pop-up WinDoW
SS-400-007 5 E56-3621-003