System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual

Page 11

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pipe layout report
The Pipe Layout Report generates a report about the site, including informa-
tion, such as name, location detector information, configuration settings of
the pipe design, different views of the pipe network, transportation times,
sampling pressure, etc. A sample report is shown in Figure 18.

To generate a Pipe Layout Report, select the Pipe Design tab, and double-click
on a FAAST device to open the pipe design window. Select the Pipe Layout
button from the toolbar. The PipeIQ Report Viewer window opens.

FiGure 19. pipe WiZArD iniTiAl SCreen

uSinG The pipe WiZArD
The easiest way to design a pipe network is by using the Pipe Wizard feature
of the PipeIQ software. The wizard walks through the design of a pipe network
in accordance with the preset application standards.

To use the Pipe Wizard, the Top view must be selected. Choose the location
on the layout where the FAAST detector is to be located by clicking in the right
pane. Start the Pipe Wizard by selecting the Pipe Wizard button on the Pipe
Design toolbar. The Pipe Wizard window opens, as shown in Figure 19.

FiGure 20. pipe WiZArD room SCreen



The PipeIQ software includes three preset application standards as follows:

• Very Early Warning Fire Detection: The VEWFD setting will generate a

warning within PipeIQ for any transport times that are calculated to be
greater than the required 60s.

• Early Warning Fire Detection: The EWFD setting will generate a warning

within PipeIQ for any transport times that are calculated to be greater
than the required 90s.

• SFD: The SFD setting will generate a warning within PipeIQ for any

transport times that are calculated to be greater than the required 120s.

Verify that the Installation Classification shown in the window is correct. To
change a class of detection select the appropriate radio button. The pipe Wiz-
ard facilitates designs to accommodate both UL/ULC and EN54-20 constraints.

PipeIQ also allows for transport times to be come more strict (shorter period
of transport) for any level of protection. Transport times may not be increased
past the maximum level for any given level of protection.

If the Non-EWFD Install Type is selected, the area per sample hole field is enabled
and the value may be changed depending on local codes and regulations.

When all settings are correct, select the Next button to move to the next page
of the wizard, the Room Screen, as shown in Figure 20.

SS-400-007 11 E56-3621-003


Once the pipe design is complete, Bill of Material, consolidated Bill of Materials
and Pipe Layout Reports can be generated using the report button on the tool bar.
Bill of material report
The Bill of Material report provides information regarding a particular site. It
gives detailed information regarding the materials to be used, the pipes, seg-
ment details (i.e., joints and fittings) and a schematic layout of the design.

To create a bill of material for the specific site, select the Pipe Design tab, fol-
lowed by create the pipe layout, and select the Bill of Material button on the
toolbar. The PipeIQ Report Viewer opens allowing the report to be viewed. A
sample report is shown in Figure 17.

FiGure 18. pipe lAYouT reporT eXAmple


FiGure 17. Bill oF mATeriAl reporT eXAmple


This screen prompts for the length, width and height of the area being pro-
tected. If the area is wide enough to require two or more branches, the Pipe
Type section of the window is activated and one of the branch types available is
automatically selected. Select the radio button for the type of network desired.