Web browser access – System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual

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Web Browser Access

ComprehenSive inSTruCTion mAnuAl

This section describes how to access the FAAST detector over a local network
(LAN) via the Web interface.

The Web interface allows various personnel to monitor the FAAST detector
from almost any location using a standard web browser. Each of the tabs
(General, Relays and Thresholds and Network) that are configured using Pi-
peIQ are accessible. In addition, the Live View screen provides status updates
of the monitored environment as represented by the User Interface Display
Panel. The Web interface is read-only. Therefore, configuration changes can-
not be made using a browser.
SYSTem loGin
Access to networked FAAST devices may be different for each installation site.
Typically, each location has its own unique security precautions. To access
the FAAST detector, first consult with the local site or building manager to
determine how to gain access to the local network. Once access is obtained,
the FAAST detector can be monitored by opening a Web browser window
and typing in the IP address of the FAAST system (the default address is The Log In screen shown in Figure 1 opens.

FiGure 1: loG in SCreen

Enter the Web Access Password for the FAAST device (the default password is
1234) and select Submit. It is recommended that the default password be changed
using PipeIQ during initial FAAST detector setup. The procedure for changing the
Web Access Password is described in the Network section of this manual.
GenerAl ConFiGurATion SCreen
When the password is accepted, the General Configuration screen, as shown
in Figure 2, opens and displays the General tab for the FAAST device.

All of the information displayed on the General Configuration screen is the same
information that is shown on the General tab when connected via PipeIQ. This
includes General information about the FAAST system: Device Location, Device
Date & Time setting and Button Lock-Out information for the detector.

FiGure 2. GenerAl ConFiGurATion SCreen

relAYS AnD ThreSholDS ConFiGurATion SCreen
To view the Relays and Thresholds settings for the FAAST detector, select
the Relays & Thresholds tab. This opens the Relays and Thresholds screen
as shown in Figure 3, and displays the relays and threshold settings for the
FAAST system.

All of the information displayed on the Relays & Thresholds screen is the same
information that is shown on the Relays & Thresholds tab when connected
via PipeIQ. This includes the Alarm levels chosen, the Acclimate Mode, Night
Mode and all of the Alarm Thresholds and Delay settings.

FiGure 3. relAYS AnD ThreSholDS ConFiGurATion SCreen

neTWorK ConFiGurATion SCreen
The Network settings for the device are viewed by selecting the Network tab.
This opens the Network screen, as shown in Figure 4.

The screen displays the same information as when connected via PipeIQ including
Device Identification Numbers, Device Connection settings and E-mail Notification

FiGure 4. neTWorK ConFiGurATion SCreen





SS-400-007 15 E56-3621-003

Web Browser Access