Commissioning – System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual
Page 17

ComprehenSive inSTruCTion mAnuAl
This section provides an overview of the commissioning process for a system
and describes how the commissioning papers should be completed.
The purpose of the commissioning process is to provide the owner and/or
building manager with a high level of assurance that the FAAST system has
been installed in the prescribed manner and is operating within the perfor-
mance guidelines set in the design documents and local codes.
To use this section properly, the commissioning agent should be familiar with
the FAAST detector, as well as all local codes and regulations necessary to
commission the system. A typical commissioning process is shown in Table 1.
Commissioning is intended to enhance the quality of system start-up and to
aid in the orderly transfer of systems for use by the owner or building man-
ager. The commissioning agent is normally a member of the construction
team that administers and coordinates commissioning activities with the de-
sign team, general contractor, subcontractors, manufacturers and equipment
suppliers. The commissioning agent provides the owner with an unbiased,
objective view of the systems’ installation, operation, and performance.
The commissioning process validates all of the required operational functions
of the FAAST system. It provides benchmarks for all of the individual site set-
tings and generates the documents required for local codes. The documents
produced by the commissioning process also provide baseline information for
future maintenance and service of the system.
Gather site information; Obtain required
design records; Obtain pipe network
installation form; Obtain site plans and
pipe network as built drawings; Begin
filling in Commissioning Forms and lo-
cal regulatory forms
On-Site Pre-Commissioning
Check cables and Power up detector;
Verify detector Idle Operation
Configure the System
Begin initial configuration; Set detector
thresholds; Record required information
on Commissioning Forms
Test System
Perform a smoke test on the system;
Perform pressure tests on sampling
holes (if required); Verify all Alarm Relay
functions; Record required information
on Commissioning Forms
Document Test Results
Fill in all required information on
Commissioning Forms; Forward
copies of all required forms to the ap-
propriate personnel
roleS oF eACh pArTY in The CommiSSioninG proCeSS
Commissioning Agent
The commissioning agent functions as the central contact point to dissemi-
nate information. The commisioning agent assists the design and construction
teams in completion of the construction process. This includes system veri-
fication, functional performance testing and conformance with the intended
design of the system. The commissioning agent’s duties include document-
ing construction activities, verifying functional testing and documenting the
proper performance and operating information to the owner and/or the build-
ing manager.
The commissioning agent verifies that all prevailing local codes and regula-
tions are met or exceeded, along with industry standards.
The commissioning agent also observes and coordinates testing, as required,
to assure system performance meets the design intent. Results of the commis-
sioning test are documented directly or by appropriate technicians. Another
responsibility is compiling the commissioning forms to be used, as well as
ensuring the testing process and the type of information being recorded.
owner/Building manager
The owner or building manager assigns maintenance personnel and schedules them
to participate in any meetings, required training sessions and inspections.
CommiSSioninG proCeSS
Commissioning a system is the final stage of the installation process. It en-
sures that design criteria are met for the pipe network installation and that
the FAAST system is correctly monitoring the proper alarms and levels for the
individual installation site.
Pre-commissioning is a set of tasks that should be performed before visiting
the actual site. Assemble the following list of documents and necessary items
before making a site visit.
• Obtain the original site layout drawings
• Obtain the “as built” drawings from the site
• Obtain the pipe network design records
• Obtain the pipe network installation records
• Obtain a set of the system installation documents
• Obtain a set of commissioning forms for the FAAST system
• Obtain all required local code forms
• Obtain a PC with the PipeIQ software application installed
• Obtain all materials to conduct smoke testing on the system
• Obtain a digital manometer to measure sample hole pressures
(if required)
To save time at the site, portions of the commissioning forms may be filled out
in advance with the customer information and any other information that can
be completed ahead of the site visit.
on-SiTe pre-CommiSSioninG
Before beginning the actual commissioning process, check the electrical and
signal cabling of the FAAST system. Verify that all electrical and signaling
wiring is correct. Refer to the Installation, Wiring and Cabling Requirements
sections of the Installation Guide for detailed information on wiring. In addi-
tion to correctness, ensure that all wiring is in compliance with local electrical
codes and standards.
Verify connection between the PipeIQ application on the PC and the FAAST
system either through a local network cable or through an internet network
connection to the system.
Also inspect the pipe network to ensure that it is complete and properly con-
nected to the system before beginning the commissioning process.
TABle 1 CommiSSioninG proCeSS
SS-400-007 17 E56-3621-003