System Sensor Basic Pipe Network Cleaning and Maintenance Procedure User Manual

System Sensor Equipment

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Basic Pipe Network Cleaning and Maintenance Procedure

Periodic maintenance of the FAAST Fire Alarm Aspiration Sensing Technology pipe network is recommended in

environments with high amounts of airborne particulate, or cold environments where condensation may freeze on the

sampling hole and affect pipe network performance. Annual maintenance of the pipe network is recommended for all


Low flow faults on devices which have been installed and operating normally for a period of time may signal the need for

pipe network cleaning.

Pipe Network Maintenance

During installation of the pipe network, it is recommended that a valved tee fitting be installed 6 inches to 1 foot from the pipe

inlet so that the pipe entering the detector is not subject to any flow of air during the pipe network maintenance. Forcing air in

to, or out of, the FAAST unit by any means other than the inherent fan may cause damage to the device and nullify the device


Prior to beginning pipe network maintenance:

• Place the device in isolate or disable mode, or power down.
• Remove the pipe network from the device, or switch the valve on a valved tee fitting to ensure that no air can be force

in to or out of the device

To perform pipe network maintenance:

• Affix a vacuum cleaner, or air compressor, to the end of the pipe network or the entry in to the valved tee fitting.
• While the vacuum is running, use a dry brush or pipe cleaner to swab out each sampling hole in the pipe network.

Leave vacuum running for 2 min following last hole cleaning.

Post pipe network maintenance:

• Reconnect pipe network to the FAAST device or switch the valved tee tap
• Remove the device from isolate or disable mode, or reapply power to the FAAST
• Observe the air flow pendulum on the user interface. The two green indicators should be near center underneath

the device’s power indicator. If a low condition existed before maintenance, this condition should be clear after

maintenance (NOTE: if the device is set to latch in fault, the device will need to be reset to clear the fault)

• If the low flow condition persists, perform another manual check of the pipe network against the pipe layout report

generated by PipeIQ. Also, if the exhaust pipe is not situated in the protected space the low/high flow condition could be

the result of differences in room pressures that have changed do to open doors, windows or upgrades to ventilation units.

Filter Maintenance

Filter maintenance is required only when a ‘Filter’ fault is indicated by the FAAST unit. Perform the following procedure to

replace the filter assembly:

1. Remove power from the system.

2. Open the door on the right side of the device that covers the LED system indicators.

3. Remove the plastic name card over the LEDs.

4. Remove the two screws holding the filter assembly into the device.

5. Remove the filter assembly and replace it with a new assembly.

6. Torque the two Philips head screws to 6in-lb (0.7 N-M) or ¼ turn past “lightly snug’.


7. Replace the plastic name card over the LEDs.

8. Close the door and restore power to the system.

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