System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual

Page 26

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reCommenDeD ACTion

Fault Warning

External Monitor Fault signals, but nothing is con-

nected to the external monitor relay .

Attach the 47 K-Ohm resistor, included with FAAST detector, to the External Monitor

terminal when the external monitor function is not being used .

Fault Warning

Flow fault signals after power initialization .

Check for broken pipe connections or blocked sample holes . Repair any damage to

the pipe network .

Fault Warning

Flow fault signals after power initialization .

If the FAAST system pipe network has changed or the FAAST detector was moved

to another pipe network, the detector must be re-configured to reset its reference

baseline .

Fault Warning

Filter fault signals after power initialization .

If the FAAST system pipe network has changed or the FAAST detector was moved

to another pipe network, the detector must be re-configured to reset its reference

baseline . If changes have not been made to the pipe network, replace the filter .

Pipe Network

Transport time is significantly longer than the PipeIQ

design indicates .

Set ALERT and ACTION 1 delay to zero .

Pipe Network

Transport time is significantly longer than the PipeIQ

design indicates .

Be certain that caps are installed in the two ports not being used .

Pipe Network

Transport time is significantly longer than the PipeIQ

design indicates .

Check pipe integrity . Use electrical tape to close all sample holes and check the

pipe for leaks . This can be accomplished by applying 2 psi of compressed air and

measuring with a pressure gauge . The gauge should not drop more than 1 psi in

15 sec .

Pipe Network

The pipe network prevents the FAAST device from be-

ing removed from the mounting bracket .

Loosen pipe mounting brackets enough to allow the pipe to bend and remove the

pipe from the top of the detector .

Pipe Network

The pipe network prevents the FAAST device from be-

ing removed from the mounting bracket .

Cut a ½ inch (13 mm)section of pipe approximately 6 inches (15 cm)above the

detector . Remove the detector and steel plate from the wall . Fit a




(16 mm)inch

spacer behind the steel mounting plate . Permanently connect a union at the loca-

tion where the ½ inch (13 mm) section of pipe was removed . The spacer behind

the back plate will allow the larger diameter union to clear the wall .


The web server isn't refreshing every 10 seconds .

If using the Internet Explorer


internet browser, go to Tools and select Internet

Options . On the General tab under Temporary Internet Files select Settings . Set the

Check for newer versions of stored pages option to Every visit to the page and click

OK .


Unable to connect to the device .

Verify the TCP/IP settings of your network adapter (refer to section PipeIQ FAAST

Connection Troubleshooting for details) . Ensure the IP address used to connect

matches the IP address of the FAAST device . The IP address of the device can be

determined by using the IP address blink mode .


Pipes and fittings do not connect on the design page

of PipeIQ .

There are two things to be aware of prior to specifying the next component in the

design . First, orient the view to either FRONT, TOP or RIGHT view . Second, high-

light the component to be connected such that it shows yellow . Then, add the new

component . Always use one of the three views to move the new component on the

screen .


Cannot edit pipe .

Try using one of the three views (FRONT, TOP or RIGHT) to edit .


Cannot disconnect element .

Only components with a single connection can be disconnected . In order to discon-

nect a component from within an assembly, all later components must be discon-

nected first .
Note: Making all component moves/disconnect from a single view will make these

components easier to reassemble .

User Interface

Front panel buttons do not work .

Buttons may be configured as locked . Follow procedure to unlock buttons or config-

ure them in the unlock mode .

TABle 2. TrouBleShooTinG QuiCK GuiDe

SS-400-007 27 E56-3621-003

Maintenance and Troubleshooting