System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual
Page 18

ConFiGurinG A neW FAAST SYSTem
If the FAAST detector has never been configured before, when initially pow-
ered it indicates a configuration fault. Begin the configuration process by per-
forming the following procedure.
1. If the detector fails to power up, re-check that all power wiring is securely
and correctly connected.
2. When the detector is powered, the Configuration fault is illuminated and
the Urgent Fault relay is set, indicating that the detector has never been
3. Open the PipeIQ application.
4. Create a project using an appropriate title, as shown in Figure 1, by select-
ing File>New from the menu in the upper left corner of the window, or by
selecting the icon for a new project.
5. The PipeIQ window on the PC shows the opening pop-up screen, as shown
in Figure 2 after a new project is created.
6. Select either US Customary System or Metric and select OK.
7. Check that the acknowledgment box on the disclamer.
8. Double click on the project name to open the project window in the right
pane, as shown in Figure 3.
9. Fill in the Name, Installer, Pipe Type and Address information on the form.
The name shown is the name of the project. The name is automatically
created using the project name when it is created. You may change it, if
desired. Enter the name of the system installer in the Installer field. Enter
the pipe type in the Pipe Type field. The type of pipe is the type used in
the pipe network (pvc, copper, etc.) Enter the address information for the
project into the address field.
10. Connect PipeIQ to the detector by selecting the device in the left pane,
right-clicking and selecting “Connect Device.” This opens the Connect
Screen, shown in Figure 4. The text box should contain the default Host IP
address of Choose Administrator from the drop-down menu
in the User field and type in the password for the detector. The default
password is “password.” Select the Connect button and confirm that the
icon changes to green, showing that the device is connected. This step
could also be performed at a later time when the data is ready to be trans-
ferred to the FAAST device.
11. Double-click on the Device icon in the left pane to open the Configuration
window in the right pane. Fill in the appropriate General information, as
shown in Figure 5. Be sure that all of the information selected and entered
is in accordance with local codes and regulations. Tables 2 through 6 ex-
plain the information contained in the fields of the General tab.
FiGure 1. neW proJeCT SCreen
FiGure 2. openinG pop-up SCreen
FiGure 3. neW proJeCT SCreen
FiGure 4. ConneCT SCreen
FiGure 5. GenerAl ConFiGurATion TAB
SS-400-007 18 E56-3621-003