System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual

Page 7

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TABle 12. DeFAulT normAl moDe ThreSholD vAlueS


SpeCiFY The ThreSholD level in %FT

For normAl moDe





0 .012

0 .012

0 .012

Action 1

0 .05

0 .05

0 .05

Action 2

0 .1

0 .1

0 .1

Fire 1

0 .25

0 .25

0 .25

Fire 2

0 .5

0 .5

0 .5

2. Acclimate mode:

In this mode, the daytime, nighttime and weekend settings are not used. You
simply configure the threshold levels for minimum and maximum values.

To configure the system in Standard mode, check Disable in the Acclimate
section located at the top center of the window. Under Threshold Lev-
, specify the required threshold values for the system according to local
codes and regulations or use the default values in Table 12.

TABle 13. AlArm ThreSholD levelS


SpeCiFY The ThreSholD level in %FT

For ACClimATe moDe




0 .00138

0 .012

Action 1

0 .0028

0 .05

Action 2

0 .00750

0 .100

Fire 1

0 .010

0 .250

Fire 2

0 .100

0 .500

Delays are used to avoid false alarms from rapid transient conditions that are
not actually alarm conditions. Delays are set in seconds and suspend the acti-
vation of the appropriate alarm level when the air sample reaches the thresh-
old level for that alarm. By using the delay, particulate will need to be present
in the sensing chamber after the specified delay before an alarm is activated.

To configure the delay, under the Delay [Secs] column, specify the time in sec-
onds that the alarm activation should be delayed after the air sample reaches
the threshold level of the alarm.
rules Button
The Rules button displays the the restrictions for specifying Standard and Ac-
climate thresholds as shown in Figure 9. To close the Rules pop-up, select the
red X to the right of the Rules button.
FiGure 9. ThreSholD ruleS

FiGure 10. neTWorK ConFiGurATion TAB

Device Details
Configure the Device Details by selecting the Identification Number. This
arbitrary number can range from 1-255 and may be useful for record-keeping.
The Identification Number field is also used to set the device’s SLC address.
Refer to the Installation Manual packaged with the device for instructions on
setting the device address.
Setting the Device Address
The ‘Identification Number’ field is also used to set the device’s SLC address.
Refer to the Installation Manual packaged with the device for instructions on
setting the device address.
Web Access password
Each password is set to a default value when the FAAST device is shipped.
The default Web Access Password is “1234”. It is highly recommended that
the password be changed to ensure the network security of the device. Pass-
words can only be changed with Administrator access. To change the pass-
word, select the Password text box, delete the existing password and type a
new password. The password can be up to 16 characters in length.

Password -Type the password.

Confirm Password - Type the password again to verify it.

Administrator password
Each password is set to a default value when the FAAST device is shipped.
The default Administrator Password is “password”. It is highly recommended
that the password be changed to ensure the network security of the device.
Passwords can only be changed with Administrator access. To change the
password, select the Password text box, delete the existing password and type
a new password. The password can be up to 8 characters in length.

Password -Type the password.

Confirm Password - Type the password again to verify it.

Device mail Server Configuration
Determine the e-mail account being used for Email communications and type
the Email address of the sender account in the Sender Account text box.

Determine the SMTP Server used for Email communications and type the
SMTP server name into the SMTP Server Name text box.
Device Connection
In the Device Connection box, select either the DHCP or a static IP addressing option.

If a static IP address is used, type in the IP Address of the FAAST device, the
Subnet Mask, the Default Gateway, the Primary DNS Server and the Sec-
ondary DNS Server
IP Addresses if used.
email notification
In the Email Notification text boxes, enter the Email addresses requiring noti-
fication into the field and select the appropriate alarm checkboxes for the level
of notification. Up to six Email addresses may be added.

When this pane is complete, select OK to accept the information and close the pane.
Connect Device
Device provides a means of connecting a computer to the FAAST
detector via the onboard Ethernet port. Once connected to the FAAST detector,
information can be transferred between PipeIQ and the FAAST device.

To connect to the FAAST detector, select the Configuration tab, in the left
pane, right-click on the detector and select Connect. Alternatively, select
Tools > Connect Device from the main menu bar at the top of the window.
Selecting the Connect Device button opens the Connection popup window, as
shown in Figure 11.



SS-400-007 7 E56-3621-003


To configure the system in the Acclimate mode, check Enable in the Accli-
mate Mode
section, located at the top center of the window. Under Threshold
, specify the minimum and maximum threshold values for the system
according to local codes and regulations or use the default values in Table 13.

The Network tab displays the network parameters for the device. Identifica-
tion numbers, passwords, Email configurations and IP addresses are all con-
figurable from this screen.

Note: for more information see the Networking Whitepaper.

From the main project window, select the Configuration tab in the left pane.
Then in the right pane, select the Network tab at the top of the pane. The
Network Configuration tab opens, as shown in Figure 10.