System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual

Page 22

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relay Function Testing
The Relay function can be verified by setting the system into Test mode. The
Test mode is initiated through the PipeIQ Live View or by depressing the TEST
button on the user display when the button is enabled. The Test mode simu-
lates a fire condition by activating all ten segments in the Particulate Level dis-
play and each segment in the Alarm display. Each corresponding alarm relay
is also activated after any programmed delay associated with that relay. Acti-
vation of the RESET button removes the system from Test and resets the relays.
DoCumenTinG TeST reSulTS
All test results must be recorded in accordance with local codes and regula-
tions. There is a Commissioning Form attached to this document to aid in
documenting these tests.
Customer Acceptance
Both the team doing the testing and the customer/owner representative
should be completely satisfied with all the results from the commissioning
tests. They should also agree that all testing results meet the local codes and
regulations for the type of system being tested. The final acceptance of the
system should be a completed with a signed copy of the Commissioning Form
and any other relevant documentation required.

SS-400-007 22 E56-3621-003
