System Sensor MDL3R and MDL3W User Manual
Mdl3 series sync module

Input Voltage Range:
Regulated: 12VDC/FWR (8.0 to 17.5V); or 24VDC/FWR (16.0 to 33V)
When Strobes are connected to sync mod-
ule, MDL3 input voltage range at 12V: 8.5 to
17.5VDC/FWR; at 24V 16.5 to 33VDC/FWR
Maximum Load on Loop:
3 A
Current Draw:
NAC Slave Input (3)
12 V
24 V
Operating Temperature:
32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)
UL464, UL1971, ULC S525, ULC S526
NOTE: 1) For maximum number of strobes and/or maximum line impedance, refer to the voltage drop calculator found at; and 2) Maximum
line impedance as required by the fire alarm control manufacturer. 3) Current draw of NAC Slave input when connected as in figure 3.
1 I56-3157-004R
MDL3 Series Sync Module
For use with the following series models:
UL & ULC listed models: CHRX, CHWX, CHSRX, CHSWX, HRX, HWX, MHR(A), MHW(A), P2RX, P2WX, P4RX, P4WX,
ULC listed models: HC12/24X, SPSX (V models only), SPSCX (V models only), MHRZA, MHWZA, SEP-SW(A), SEP-SPSW(A)
Obsolete models (for reverse compatibility reference):
CHX, CH24MCX, H12/24X, PA400X, S1224MCX, SP2R1224MCX, SP2W1224MCX
Refer to System Sensor product installation manuals for model specifications.
inStaLLation anD Maintenance inStRUctionS
GeneRaL DeScRiption
The MDL3 Module is designed to work with the SpectrAlert Advance series
of notification appliances to provide a means of synchronizing the temporal-
coded horns and chimes, synchronizing the one-second flash timing of the
strobe, and silencing the horns and chimes of the horn/strobe and chime/
strobes combination over a two-wire circuit while leaving the strobes active.
MDL3 is intended to connect to UL or ULC listed FACP or its NAC accessories
(e.g. a boost module, etc.)
NOTICE: This manual shall be left with the owner/user of this equipment.
MoDULe confiGURation
Each MDL3 module has the capability of connecting two Style Y (Class B)
circuits or one Style Z (Class A) circuit.
The zone output(s) from the panel are connected to the zone input(s) of the
MDL3 module and the zone output(s) from the MDL3 module are connected
to the notification loop(s). Supervision is accomplished in the module by a
direct connection between the zone input and the zone output of each of the
two zone circuits connected to the normal end-of-line device. The FACP “sees”
the EOL device through the MDL3 module. When either or both outputs
from the module are wired to the SpectrAlert Advance products, the horns or
chimes and strobes in both zones will be synchronized.
The MDL3 module can be configured so that more than two zones can
be synchronized by the interconnection of the slave input and output
(see Figures 1, 2, and 3).
SynchRonize SpectRaLeRt aDvance hoRnS, chiMeS anD StRobeS
• Each module can power two 3-amp circuits wired in class B or one
3-amp circuit powered as Class A.
• Each module will synchronize 2 zones.
• Additional modules can be added and may be synchronized to all other
modules by interconnecting the “slave” input and output terminals
between modules.
contRoLLinG SoUnDeR on/off oveR 2-WiReS USinG MoDULe
hoRn contRoL
• Connect the current source to the horn control input. If a zone output
is used for the source, you must use an EOL on the horn control input
terminal, see Figure 1.
• When multiple modules are used, the horn control circuits can be wired
in parallel. If wired in parallel and a zone output is used from panel, use
an EOL on the last module for supervision.
Unless it’s supervised, Horn Control wiring must be contained within com-
mon enclosure of FACP
Slave Out – Slave In wiring must be contained within either the common
enclosure of modules or enclosures within 20 feet of each other with wiring
inside conduit. Reverse wiring will cause this input to malfunction.
If Zone 1 input is not powered or fails during alarm, the notification devices
attached to the Zone 2 output will not be synchronized.
NOTE: Ground fault on a module’s two wire loop can be indicated at the
control panel if the control panel is capable of ground fault detection on the
power supply to the module and meets UL 864 9th Edition ground fault in-
dication requirements for initiating device circuits. The installer must verify
that capability.
Zone 1 – NAC slave wiring must be dedicated to sync purposes. No devices
shall be attached. EOL must be used on the last MDL3 for supervision.
(1) The value of EOL should refer to FACP specification or installation instruc-
3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
1.800.SENSOR2; Fax: 630.377.6495
Zone 1 Input
This input powers the MDL3 module. This input must
have voltage present from the FACP before anything
will work. This also supplies voltage to Zone 1 output.
Zone 2 Input
This input only supplies voltage to Zone 2 output.
Note: If Zone 1 input is not powered, the notification
devices attached to the Zone 2 output will be out of
Horn Control
This input enables the horns on the SpectrAlert
Advance notification appliances. Voltage present
means horns are enabled. No voltage present means
horns are disabled.
Slave In
Connects to Master MDL3 Module slave out. A maxi-
mum of 11 slave MDL3 modules can be connected to a
Master MDL3.
Slave Out
Connects to Slave MDL3 slave in.
NAC Slave In Connects to slave MDL3 from NAC. A dedicated NAC
should be used for slaving purposes.