Overview, 1introduction, 1 overview – Micromod MOD: 30ML Display Script Guide User Manual

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MOD 30ML Display Guide




2.1 Overview

The MOD 30ML controller allows you to access virtually all its power through the
operator display. The standard displays provide the generally accepted operating views
for a three-term (P,I,D) control loop including graphic display of process setpoint and
output, and alphanumeric display of loop tag, process value, setpoint/output values, and
mode. Alarm and tuning pages are also provided. However, custom displays can be
created for such strategies as indicating totalizers, direct operation of discrete devices,
sequence control and operation, scrolling indication and many other requirements. It is
also possible to cause information to be displayed based on logic or alarms, and construct
pages specifically for commissioning activities.

This book is intended as a guide to display building and should be used in conjunction
with Database Reference Manual IB-1800R-APP. The first part of this manual explains
the basic principals of display building and includes exercises for building typical
displays. The second part shows examples of display scripts for various applications.

This guide assumes the user is familiar with the Visual Application Designer software.
Knowledge of loop building, loading Smart Symbols, and communications setup is
required. For assistance in these areas refer to IB-VIZAPP-TUT, “ViZapp Training

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