Micromod MOD: 30ML Display Script Guide User Manual
Page 26

MOD 30ML Display Guide
Display Basics
2 -20
Setting Entry Method to None causes the up/down arrows to remain invisible, and the
variable cannot be changed from the front panel.
If an engineering units label is desired, up to four characters may be entered in the
Engineering Units field. This will cause the label to appear at the end of the displayed
value, e.g., 175.6PSI. Only Floating Point and Integer display formats use Engineering
Units. If a space is required between the value and the units, press the spacebar prior to
typing the engineering unit label. If the length of the displayed value plus the engineering
units is greater than eight characters, the engineering units label will be truncated to make
room for the value display, one character at a time.
Display State Table and Entry State Table are used when the Display Format selected is
“State”. This is normally used when the operator has several choices to scroll through for
a given key or line. These entries are discussed further in Section 2.6, Using State Tables.
The Edit When field is used to determine when an operator may make a change to this
attribute. For example, if the operator should not change the output if a certain discrete
input were TRUE, the expression for the output format would read I1 == FALSE where
I1 is the name of the input to be compared.
If no expression is entered, the operator can always change the displayed value.