Luminex 100 IS User Manual, Version 2.3 User Manual
Page 96

Luminex 100 IS User Manual Version 2.3
MAP Technology
5 - 54
PN 89-00002-00-071 Rev. C
5. If you want to insert an Acquire Patient or Skip command, select
the command from the Insert menu. In the multiplier box, enter
the number of patients that you want to add to the list or the
number of wells that you want to skip and click Apply. Skipped
wells and patient wells added to the batch are shown as green
wells on the microtiter plate image.
6. If you are running a maintenance template, add any samples (for
processing). Then click Save and Load (default) or Save Only.
Otherwise, continue with step 7.
7. If you want to change the well location where you begin
acquiring samples, drag the highlighted starting well (default is
A1) to the desired location on the microtiter plate.
8. Click the field in the Sample ID row that represents the last
empty well on the microtiter plate.
9. Enter the sample ID for the sample to add. Repeat this step to
add all of the additional samples to the batch. You can enter the
sample manually, through a patient list, or using the system
barcode reader. Batches may span more than one plate. When the
first plate is full, a blue line separates the columns of the first
plate with those of a second plate. To add a sample ID to the end
of the list, press the Enter key or double-click in the last line.
10. To add a patient file to the batch, click Load Pa List. An Open
Patient List File dialog box opens. See Figure 5-28. If you do
not want to add a patient list to the batch, skip to step 11.
Figure 5-28. Open Patient List File Dialog Box
11. Select a patient file to append to the batch and click Open. The
system appends the patients to the batch.
If any of the acquire sam-
ple commands within the tem-
plate of the batch has an
unassigned Sample ID, the sys-
tem applies the first patient ID in
the list to the unassigned sample
acquisition command. The sys-
tem appends any remaining
patient IDs to the end of the
command list in the order as they
appear in the patient list.