Luminex 100 IS User Manual, Version 2.3 User Manual
Page 72

Luminex 100 IS User Manual Version 2.3
MAP Technology
5 - 30
PN 89-00002-00-071 Rev. C
If the system fails to determine the results for a replicate due to an
excessive skew of one of the samples, you can invalidate the out of
tolerance value. Use the Invalidate Standard (F4) or Invalidate
Control (F6) buttons at the bottom of the Analysis window. Be
aware that this fixes standards and controls, not patient sample. If
any of the replicate standards and/or controls are invalidated, the
“Avg” results reflects the average of the remaining standard and/or
control replicates.
The system flags the failed sample so you may calculate the replicate
set’s average without including the failed result in the equation.
You can sort the batch samples Sequentially (by the order in which
they are acquired), or Alphabetically (by sample ID). Select the
sorting method in the Sort group box.