Luminex 100 IS User Manual, Version 2.3 User Manual
Page 57

MAP Technology
Using Luminex 100 IS 2.3 Software
PN 89-00002-00-071 Rev. C
5 - 15
1. Gate Boundaries 2. Aggregate Beads 3. Numerical Gate Position
Figure 5-13. Set DD Gate Example
The Histogram contains the Show Bead menu and four buttons:
• Autoscale
• Zoom
• Log/Linear
• Maximize
For more information on these commands, see the Commands
section beginning on page 5-31.
The Dot Plot (or bead map) appears in the lower-right section of the
Acquisition Detail tab. See Figure 5-14. The dot plot shows a
graphical display of real-time data collection.
Luminex recommends using the default settings to collect data. The
default axes are Classification 1 on the X axis and Classification 2 on
the Y axis. To see the dot plot, you must use the default axis. To
display the bead set information, hover the mouse pointer over the
desired region. You can change the X axis and Y axis of the dot plot
for troubleshooting purposes, although you should use the default
settings in all other scenarios.