Luminex 100 IS User Manual, Version 2.3 User Manual

Page 67

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MAP Technology

Using Luminex 100 IS 2.3 Software

PN 89-00002-00-071 Rev. C

5 - 25

Figure 5-17. Analysis Window - Standards Tab Open

When a median fluorescence intensity (MFI) value for an unknown
sample or control lies outside the standard curve MFI range, the
concentration is not calculated. The unknown sample or control
result is reported as less than (<) or greater than (>) next to the
corresponding standard expected concentration. The out-of-range
samples and controls will also have a “Sample High/Low” statement
in the comment column. If a sample lies within the standard curve
MFI range, but the sample’s MFI value does not intersect the curve,
the result will be reported as “Error”. A “cannot calculate inverse
function” statement displays in the comments column. This error
condition usually occurs when a standard curve “flattens out” at the
high or low end. Examples of out-of-range sample labeling for non-
competitive assays are shown in Table 5-6. Figure 5-18 shows what
a standard curve for a non-competitive assay should look like.