Luminex 100 IS Version 2.1 User Manual
Page 40

Luminex 100 IS Developer Guide to xMAP Technology Version 2.1
MAP Technology
PN 89-00002-00-062 Rev. A
Figure 19. Selecting Bead IDs
13. In the Min Beads field, enter the number of beads to collect for
each test. The Apply Min Beads button applies the same min
bead requirement that you entered on the first line to all other
14. Click a Curve Fit field to see a list of formulas. Select one of the
curve fit formulas for each test. The available curve fit formulas
are listed in.Table 7, “Curve Fit Formulas” .
The algorithm for each formula appears on the selection list.
Select Bead IDs
Table 7: Curve Fit Formulas
Linear: y=ax+b
Quadratic: y=a+b+c(x^2)
Cubic: y=a+bx+cx^2+dx^3
Logistic4p: y=a+b/(1+(x/c)^d)
Logistic5p: y=a+b/(1+(x/c)^d)^f
Power: y=a*(x^b)
Raw Formula: y=x
RiseToMax,3P: y=a-b*exp(cx)
RiseTo Max,2p: y=a-a*exp(bx)
Logarithmic: y=aInx+b
Exponential: y=a e^xb