Luminex 100 IS Version 2.1 User Manual
Page 20

Luminex 100 IS Developer Guide to xMAP Technology Version 2.1
MAP Technology
PN 89-00002-00-062 Rev. A
Table 4.
Plate Layout Tab—Selection Shortcuts
Figure 5. New Advanced Batch—Popup Command Menu
14. You can define Off-Plate commands following an acquisition.
Double-click a well or select Insert Off-Plate Cmd(s) from the
popup menu. At the Off-Plate menu double-click the Cmd Name
field. This displays the desired command in the command list.
Cancel removes selections and returns to Plate-Layout. Clear-All
removes selections from command list. When the desired
command appears in the list, select OK. A well with an Off-Plate
command following it is highlighted in green.
15. After you define the desired fields on the General, Bead Set, and
Plate Layout tabs click OK. Click Cancel to abort. You can not
edit settings after selecting OK.
Click column heading to select entire column.
Click row heading to select entire row.
Click the top left corner of the plate to select entire plate.
Each well can have a series of Off-Plate commands that run
before the next well is read.
You can insert preliminary Off-Plate commands that run
before the first well.