Luminex 100 IS Version 2.3 User Manual

Page 168

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Luminex 100 IS User Manual Version 2.3


MAP Technology

7 - 14

PN 89-00002-00-072 Rev. C

Error Message

Possible problem


Unknown Diagnostic Error


Record the error code number
and message. Contact Luminex
Technical Support.

XYP Instrument Heater
Stability Range Exceeded

The heater block temperature is
not hitting the target value.

Low Voltage Detected

Possible laser failure.

Turn off the analyzer, XYP, and
PC, then turn them back on.
Calibrate and verify the system.
If the error message occurs
again, contact Luminex
Technical Support.

Runtime Sheath Pressure out
of Limits (Too High)

The sheath fluid pressure is too

Ensure that the sheath fluid
container is at the same level as
the analyzer. On systems with a
Luminex Sheath Delivery
system, ensure that the sheath
fluid pressure reading is equal to
the original ready by adjusting
the regulator as outlined in
“Install the SD System” on
page B-10. Ca
librate and verify
the system.

Runtime Sheath Pressure Out
of Limits (Too Low)

There is a pressurization
problem with the sheath fluid.

See Pressurization on page 7-3.

Low Laser Power Detected

The system isn’t sufficiently
warmed up.

Warm up the system. This takes
approximately 30 minutes.
Calibrate and verify the system.

Possible Laser Failure

Open the calibration trend
report for L100CAL2 and
record the last three reporter
voltages. Contact Luminex
Technical Support with this