Appendix a - changing status message text, Status text configuration file, Tatus – CTI Products RCD Standard - Remote Comparator Display User Manual

Page 71: Onfiguration

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MCN Remote Comparator Display

Appendix A

CTI Products, Inc.

Changing Status Message Text



9. Appendix A - Changing Status Message Text

The MCNRCD software as furnished will display standard comparator status
messages of Vote, Rx, Dis, and Fail. You can change the text, color, and logging
flags for these status indications in the MCNRCD.CFG file. You may want to do
this for the following reasons:

You want to change the standard comparator display text or colors.

You want to display general purpose Inputs & Outputs.

You want to define a status condition which should (or should not) be logged

to the disk under normal operation.

You want to control other I/O points, depending on the state of a particular


You want to sound a tone or alarm on the PC’s speaker when a particular

status condition is detected.

MCNRCD can support both comparator and non-comparator (general purpose)
displays at the same time using Status Text Categories. (ex: a Default category
for comparators and an Alarm category for alarms). Each I/O module (such as a
CIB or IOB) is then assigned a Status Text Category for use to display its inputs.

9.1 Status Text Configuration File

The MCNRCD.CFG file contains the formatting and control information for the
status messages displayed by the MCNRCD software. This file is an ASCII file
that can be modified with any ASCII text editor, such as the MS-DOS Editor.
When modifying and saving this file, make sure the file is saved as a normal
ASCII file. Do not allow the editor to embed special control characters into the
file or else MCNRCD will not be able to run since it will not be able to interpret
the file.

Two configuration files are provided with MCNRCD (NORMAL.CFG and
TXSTEER.CFG) for comparator display status messages. The file
NORMAL.CFG does not include any transmitter steering information and
therefore, the status messages displayed are shorter. The receiver name is not
overwritten by the status message when the file NORMAL.CFG is copied to

If you need to display transmitter steering information, copy the file
TXSTEER.CFG to MCNRCD.CFG. This file, as shown in the example file that
follows, includes status messages for transmitter steering. These status messages
are longer than those in NORMAL.CFG and therefore, part of the receiver name
will be over written when the status messages are displayed for a receiver. The
full receiver name is redisplayed when the receiver returns to the idle state.