CTI Products RCD Standard - Remote Comparator Display User Manual
Page 106

MCN Remote Comparator Display
Appendix B
CTI Products, Inc.
Modem Support
Modem initialization string:
Get modem's attention
Load Factory Default configuration
Carriage Return. Terminates the above command.
A single backslash is interpreted by the MCNRCD
program as a Carriage Return. (If you need to send
a backslash, put a double backslash, \\ in the
command line and the program will send one
Wait .5 seconds for defaults to be loaded. The ^ is
not sent. The MCNRCD program interprets the ^ as
a command to wait for .5 seconds. Different
modems may require more or less time.
Get modem's attention
Response Displays ON
Enable Verbose (word) response messages
This will give responses such as "Connect 9600"
instead of just numeric responses.
DCD is on when carrier present.
The MCNRCD program uses the DCD line to see if
the carrier has dropped. It also monitors it during
the hang-up sequence. The DCD line must follow
the received carrier. It must not be forced on all the
Modem hangs up and resets when the DTR goes
The MCNRCD program uses the DTR line to hang
up the modem and put it into command mode. The
modem must support this mode of operation.
Local character echo OFF
This turns off the echo of the AT commands and
dialing strings sent to the modem.
The above commands are fairly standard for most modems. If the modem does
not support these or equivalent commands, it will most probably not work with
the MCNRCD program.
The following commands pertain to MNP error correction and compression
options. They are not available on all modems and the commands for these
options varies widely among modems that support them. Consult your modem
manual for the proper commands.
We have found that even though many modems do not support these commands,
they do not object to them. Simply delete these commands if your modem objects
to them.