Building a display screen for your system, Uilding a, Isplay – CTI Products RCD Standard - Remote Comparator Display User Manual

Page 31: Creen for your system

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MCN Remote Comparator Display

Configuring a System

CTI Products, Inc.




Now you have a file named SYSTEM1.GCF that defines all of the receivers for
this system. Section 6.5.1 describes how this file will be used to create a MCN
Screen File.

6.5 Building a Display Screen for your system

Now that you have your Group Configuration File built, it’s time to start building
a display screen. A typical screen is shown below. A description of the different
fields will follow.

Figure 12 - Typical Fully-Configured Display Screen

File Name Display
MCNCFG displays the name of the currently loaded file on the right of the menu
bar. When a new file is being edited, the display remains blank until it is saved
with a valid file name.

Receiver Screen Locations
The screen has 88 display positions. Each display position can be used to display
a channel title or a receiver name.

Receiver Module Set Numbers
Group configuration file numbers (G1-G4) corresponds to the Group
Configuration File the receiver is defined in.

Receiver Status Line
When editing a screen file, MCNCFG displays a receiver status line on the bottom
of the screen. Moving the keyboard cursor to a receiver on the display screen
shows additional information about that receiver. The status line displays the full