Setup menu – Bell & Gossett S14367B Technologic Constant Speed Pump Controller User Manual
Page 19

Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Setup Menu
Note: When the Start/Stop Method is anything other
than “Keypad”, the START/STOP key must be
pressed to set the system “Ready” prior to using the
desired method. When the chosen method is active,
the START/STOP key can be pressed to start or stop
the system. If the chosen method is inactive, the
Start/Stop Method must be set back to “Keypad” to
start the system from the keypad.
Path: Status Screens / Setup (3) / System (3) /
Scheduling (5)
Scheduling →
ON @ : ##:##AM
Off @: ##:##AM OK? $
Press PREV or NEXT to change the day for which
scheduling will be set up. See Table 22 for a descrip-
tion of the Scheduling variables.
Variable Description
ON @
Time at which the system will
automatically start. Set the hour to
0 to prevent the system from starting
on this day.
Off @
Time at which the system will
automatically stop. Set the hour to
0 to prevent the system from stopping
on this day.
AM/PM Press UP/DOWN to select AM/PM
Table 22: Scheduling Variables
Note: Scheduling must be set up as the start/stop
method, for it to take effect. See section 4.3.4 for
more information on the start/stop method. Also, the
controller must be powered up at the specified times,
or it will remain in the previous state until the next
scheduled on or off time.
Path: Status Screens / Setup (3) / System (3) /
Date/Time (6)
Time: HH:MM:SS am/pm
Daylite Saving Tm:$
OK? $ (Y/N)
See Table 23 for a description of the Date/Time Setup
Variable Description
Current month (two digits), example:
Jan. should be created as 01
Current date (two digits), example:
the 6th should be entered as 06
Current year using all 4 digits
am/pm Use UP/DOWN to toggle am/pm
Enter “Y” for automatic set back
Saving Tm during daylight saving time.
Table 23: Date/Time Variables
Path: Status Screens / Setup (3) / System (3) /
Password (7)
Enable Password
For Setup Menu?: $
OK? $ (Y/N)
If the above is set to YES, the user will be prompted
to input a password prior to entering the Setup
Menu. Upon exiting the above screen, the user will
be prompted to define and confirm a new password.
The password must be a numeric value (0-99999).
Record it here or somewhere else!
Relay Outputs Setup
Path: Status Screens / Setup (3) / System (3) /
Relay Outputs (8)
Digital Outputs →
DO# 1 Locked
OK? $
Press PREV or NEXT to scroll through the digital
outputs. Its output number and functionality will be
displayed. If a digital output is “Unlocked”, it may be
modified. Use UP or DOWN to modify the function-
ality. Multiple outputs may have the same functional-