Temperature/conductivity sensor cleaning, Short term storage long term storage, Storage – YSI 5200A User Manual

Page 92

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YSI 5200A

YSI 5200A

Note - If biological contamination of the reference junction is suspected or if good

response is not restored by the above procedures, perform the following additional

cleaning step:

Soak the sensor for approximately 1 hour in a 1 to 1 dilution of commer-


cially available chlorine bleach.

Rinse the sensor with clean water and then soak for at least 1 hour in clean


tap water with occasional stirring to remove residual bleach from the

junction. (If possible, soak the sensor for a period of time longer than 1

hour in order to be certain that all traces of chlorine bleach are removed.)

Then, re-rinse the sensor with clean water and retest.

Temperature/Conductivity Sensor Cleaning

The single most important requirement for accurate and reproducible readings in

conductivity measurement is a clean sensor. A dirty sensor will change the conduc-

tivity of a solution by contaminating it. The small, round cleaning brush included

in the YSI 5511 Maintenance Kit is ideal for cleaning the conductivity sensor.

To clean the conductivity cell:

Dip the brush in clean water and insert it into each hole 15-20 times.


Rinse the cell thoroughly in deionized or clean tap water.


In the event that deposits have formed on the electrodes, perform the following

additional procedure:

Use a mild detergent solution in combination with the brush. Dip the


brush in the solution and insert it into each hole 15-20 times.

Rinse the cell thoroughly in deionized or clean tap water.


After cleaning, check the response and accuracy of the conductivity cell


with a calibration standard.

If this procedure is unsuccessful or if sensor performance is impaired, it may be

necessary to return the sensor to a YSI authorized service center for service.

The temperature portion of the sensor requires no maintenance.

Recommended Cleaning of the 5200A and Accesso-

Clean the 5200A monitor and accessories as needed. Dampen a cloth with warm

water and wipe the outside of the unit. You may use mild detergent with water if

necessary. Do not use acid-based, alkali-based, or other organic solvent-based

solvents (e.g., acetone, alcohol, etc.).


Proper storage between periods of usage will not only extend the life of the sensors,

but will also ensure that the unit will be ready to use as quickly as possible for your

next application.

Short Term Storage

Short term storage is defined as a period of time < 30 days. For short term storage,

it is important to keep the sensors in a moist environment without actually immers-

ing them in liquid. Immersing the sensors could cause some to drift or result in a

shorter sensor lifetime.

For short term storage, place approximately ½ inch of tap water in the calibration/

storage cup and install the cup over the sensors on the cable. The use of a moist

sponge instead of a ½ inch of tap water is also acceptable. The calibration/storage

cup should be sealed to prevent evaporation.

Note - If using the 5562 probe/cable, ensure that an o-ring is installed in the o-ring

groove on the threaded end of the probe assembly.

CAUTION: The water level has to be low enough so that none of the sensors are

actually immersed in water. Check the calibration/storage cup periodically to

ensure it is still moist.

Long Term Storage

Long term storage is defined as a period of time > 30 days.

Probe/Cable Assembly Storage

Remove the pH or pH/ORP sensor from the probe/cable assembly and


store according to the individual sensor storage instructions listed in the

following section.

Seal the empty pH/ORP port with the provided port plug.


NOTE: Leave the conductivity/temperature sensor and dissolved oxygen sensor

installed on the probe/cable assembly.

