GE Industrial Solutions Galaxy Pulsar Edge User Manual

Page 80

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Galaxy Pulsar Edge Power System Controller

Issue 3 October 2011


frame/bay would split the plant section on the Home page to show the number of
frame/bays graphically, respectively. Note: The J or Product code selections found in the
Installation section provide pre-configured configurations for the items in the list.

System-Shunt Configuration Page
Items here define the different shunts being monitored by the controller. One shunt, the Plant
Shunt, is monitored directly by the Pulsar Edge. Up to eight shunts can be monitored through
various remote distribution monitoring and control boards. The Pulsar Edge utilizes an RS485
serial communication link to external distribution monitoring and control boards for shunt
measurements and contactor control. Up to eight of these external boards can be managed by the
controller. Up to eight contactors can be assigned to one of four independent control groups:
LVBD, LVLD1, LVLD2, and LVLD3. External distribution monitoring and control boards are
identified by an address ID on the board. Assignments are then made to appropriate operation
types at the controller. The available Types are: Battery, Load, and None. Shunt sizes for each
assigned battery or load type must also be configured. All monitored shunts are assumed to have
a 50mV voltage rating. The current rating of each shunt is programmable between 0 to 9999A.
Systems shipped with the Pulsar Edge are appropriately pre-configured in the factory for the right
shunt values and assignments. The descriptions for the shunt measurements can also be edited for
additional resolution.