Af-650 gp high power operating instructions – GE Industrial Solutions AF-650 GP General Purpose Drive (460_575_690V 125HP and above) User Manual
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Alarm/warning limits:
Frequency converter:
3 x 380 -
500 V
3 x 525 -
690 V
Voltage warning low
Voltage warning high (w/o
brake - w/brake)
The voltages stated are the intermediate circuit voltage of the frequency
converter with a tolerance of ± 5 %. The corresponding mains voltage
is the intermediate circuit voltage (DC-link) divided by 1.35
WARNING/ALARM 8, DC under-voltage:
If the intermediate circuit voltage (DC) drops below the “voltage warning low”
limit (see table above), the frequency converter checks if 24 V backup supply
is connected.
If no 24 V backup supply is connected, the frequency converter trips after a
given time depending on the unit.
To check whether the supply voltage matches the frequency converter, see
General Specifications.
WARNING/ALARM 9, Inverter overloaded:
The frequency converter is about to cut out because of an overload (too high
current for too long). The counter for electronic, thermal inverter protection
gives a warning at 98% and trips at 100%, while giving an alarm. You can-
not reset the frequency converter until the counter is below 90%.
The fault is that the frequency converter is overloaded by more than 100%
for too long.
Motor Electronic Overload over temperature:
According to the electronic thermal protection, the motor is too hot. You can
choose if you want the frequency converter to give a warning or an alarm
when the counter reaches 100% in par. F-10 Electronic Overload. The fault is
that the motor is overloaded by more than 100% for too long. Check that the
motor par. P-03 Motor Current is set correctly.
WARNING/ALARM 11, Motor thermistor over temp:
The thermistor or the thermistor connection is disconnected. You can choose
if you want the frequency converter to give a warning or an alarm when the
counter reaches 100% in par. F-10 Electronic Overload. Check that the ther-
mistor is connected correctly between terminal 53 or 54 (analog voltage input)
and terminal 50 (+ 10 V supply), or between terminal 18 or 19 (digital input
PNP only) and terminal 50. If aKTY sensoris used, check for correct connection
between terminal 54 and 55.
WARNING/ALARM 12, Torque limit:
The torque is higher than the value in par. F-40 Torque Limiter (Driving) (in
motor operation) or the torque is higher than the value in par. F-41 Tor-
que Limiter (Braking) (in regenerative operation).
WARNING/ALARM 13, Over Current:
The inverter peak current limit (approx. 200% of the rated current) is exceeded.
The warning will last approx. 8-12 sec., then the frequency converter trips and
issues an alarm. Turn off the frequency converter and check if the motor shaft
can be turned and if the motor size matches the frequency converter.
If extended mechanical brake control is selected, trip can be reset externally.
ALARM 14, Earth fault:
There is a discharge from the output phases to earth, either in the cable be-
tween the frequency converter and the motor or in the motor itself.
Turn off the frequency converter and remove the earth fault.
ALARM 15, Incomplete hardware:
A fitted option is not handled by the present control board (hardware or soft-
ALARM 16, Short-circuit:
There is short-circuiting in the motor or on the motor terminals.
Turn off the frequency converter and remove the short-circuit.
WARNING/ALARM 17, Control word time-out:
There is no communication to the frequency converter.
The warning will only be active when par. O-04 Control Word Timeout Func-
tion is NOT set to OFF.
If par. O-04 Control Word Timeout Function is set to Stop and Trip, a warning
appears and the frequency converter ramps down until it trips, while giving
an alarm.
par. O-03 Control Word Timeout Time could possibly be increased.
WARNING 22, Hoist Mech. Brake:
Report value will show what kind it is.
0 = The torque ref. was not reached before timeout.
1 = There was no brake feedback before timeout.
WARNING 23, Internal fan fault:
The fan warning function is an extra protection function that checks if the fan
is running / mounted. The fan warning can be disabled in par.
SP-53 Fan Monitor (set to [0] Disabled).
WARNING 24, External fan fault:
The fan warning function is an extra protection function that checks if the fan
is running / mounted. The fan warning can be disabled in par.
SP-53 Fan Monitor (set to [0] Disabled).
WARNING 25, Brake resistor short-circuited:
The brake resistor is monitored during operation. If it short-circuits, the brake
function is disconnected and the warning appears. The frequency converter
still works, but without the brake function. Turn off the frequency converter
and replace the brake resistor (see par. B-15 Brake Check).
ALARM/WARNING 26, Brake resistor power limit:
The power transmitted to the brake resistor is calculated as a percentage, as
a mean value over the last 120 s, on the basis of the resistance value of the
brake resistor (par. B-11 Brake Resistor (ohm)) and the intermediate circuit
voltage. The warning is active when the dissipated braking power is higher
than 90%. If Trip [2] has been selected in par. B-13 Braking Thermal Over-
load, the frequency converter cuts out and issues this alarm, when the
dissipated braking power is higher than 100%.
ALARM/ WARNING 27, Brake chopper fault:
The brake transistor is monitored during operation and if it short-circuits, the
brake function disconnects and the warning comes up. The frequency con-
verter is still able to run, but since the brake transistor has short-circuited,
substantial power is transmitted to the brake resistor, even if it is inactive.
Turn off the frequency converter and remove the brake resistor.
This alarm/ warning could also occur should the brake resistor overheat. Ter-
minal 104 to 106 are available as brake resistor. Klixon inputs, see section
Brake Resistor Temperature Switch.
Warning: There is a risk of substantial power being trans-
mitted to the brake resistor if the brake transistor is short-
ALARM/WARNING 28, Brake check failed:
Brake resistor fault: the brake resistor is not connected/working.
AF-650 GP High Power Operating Instructions