Ssl g bus compressor controls, Threshold, Make up – Universal Audio UAD POWERED PLUG-INS ver.6.1 User Manual

Page 538: Attack, Release

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UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual

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Chapter 54: SSL G Bus Compressor

SSL G Bus Compressor Controls


Threshold defines the signal level at
which the onset of compression oc-
curs. Incoming signals that exceed
this level are compressed. Signals
below the level are unaffected. The
control range is ±15 dB.

As the Threshold control is de-
creased and more compression oc-
curs, output level is typically re-
duced. Adjust the Make Up control
to modify the output to compensate
if desired.

Make Up

Make Up controls the signal level that is output from the plug-in. The range is
0 dB to +15 dB.

Generally speaking, adjust the Make Up control after the desired amount of
compression is achieved with the Threshold and Ratio controls. Make Up
does not affect the amount of compression.


Attack sets the amount of time that must elapse once the input signal reaches
the Threshold level before compression is applied. The faster the Attack, the
more rapidly compression is applied to signals above the threshold. Avail-
able Attack times are discrete values of 0.1ms, 0.3ms, 1ms, 3ms, 10ms, and

The availability of relatively slow attack times (as compared to other compres-
sors) is one factor that can provide the in-your-face-pumping quality that is so
popular with large console VCA-style compressors.


Release sets the amount of time it takes for compression to cease once the in-
put signal drops below the threshold level. Slower release times can smooth
the transition that occurs when the signal dips below the threshold, especially
useful for material with frequent peaks. However, if you set the Release time
too long, compression for sections of audio with loud signals may extend to
lengthy sections of audio with lower signals.

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