Recirculation (recir) knob, Mix knob – Universal Audio UAD POWERED PLUG-INS ver.6.1 User Manual

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UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual

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Chapter 38: Nigel

Sweep Lo Knob

Sets the lowest frequency of the Phasor. The available range is from 50 Hz to
6000 Hz.

Because the Sweep Lo frequency cannot be set higher than the Sweep Hi fre-
quency, if the Lo value is increased beyond the Hi value the Hi value will in-
crease to match the Lo value.

Sweep Hi Knob

Sets the highest frequency of the Phasor. The available range is from 50 Hz
to 6000 Hz.

Because the Sweep Hi frequency cannot be set lower than the Sweep Lo fre-
quency, if the Hi value is decreased below the Lo value the Lo value will de-
crease to match the Hi value.


(Recir) Knob

Sets the intensity of the filtering effect. Higher values increase the intensity.

Recirculation allows both positive and negative values. The polarity refers to
the phase of the feedback as compared to the original signal. If Recirculation
displays a positive value, the feedback will be in phase with the source. If it
displays a negative value, then the feedback will be out of phase.

Mix Knob

This control determines the balance between the processed and the original
signal. Values greater than 50% emphasize the processed signal, and values
less than 50% emphasize the original signal. A value of 100% delivers just
the processed (wet) signal, and a value of 0% delivers just the source (dry) sig-

Mix allows both positive and negative values. The polarity refers to the phase
of the processed signal as compared to the original signal. If a positive value
is displayed, then the processed signal will be in phase with the source. With
a negative value, the processed signal is flipped 180 degrees out of phase
with the source signal.

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