All buttons mode, Meter, Grit – Universal Audio UAD POWERED PLUG-INS ver.6.1 User Manual

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UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual

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Chapter 25: LA-2A and 1176LN

All Buttons mode

Just like the hardware version of the 1176LN, it is possible to depress all the
Ratio buttons simultaneously, a well-known studio trick.

In this mode, the ratio is around 12:1, and the release happens faster, and
the shape of the release curve changes. With lower amounts of compression,
the attack is delayed slightly, as there is a slight lag before the attack attenu-
ated the signal. That attack value remains at whatever the value is on the At-
tack control.

To enter All Button Mode

Shift-click any of the Ratio buttons. All of the buttons will appear depressed.

To exit All Button Mode

Click any Ratio button without the shift key modifier.


These four pushbutton switches (to the right of the VU Meter) determine the
mode of the VU Meter, and whether the plug-in is enabled. When set to GR,
the VU Meter indicates the Gain Reduction level in dB. When set to +8 or +4,
the VU Meter indicates the output level in dB; when set to +4, a meter reading
of 0 corresponds to an output level of +4 dB.

In gain reduction mode with all buttons depressed, the VU meter will appear
to behave strangely. This is normal behavior in the hardware 1176LN, and
is faithfully recreated in the plug-in.

When the Meter Off switch is selected, the 1176LN plug-in is disabled and
UAD DSP usage is reduced (unless

“UAD-2 DSP LoadLock” on page 74

is en-



One trick you can do with the 1176 is turning the attack and release up all
the way to their fastest setting. This has the audible effect of adding distortion
to the audio source, and is especially pronounced in all-buttons mode. What
happens here is the attack and release are happening so fast that minute level
fluctuations sound like distortion. It can add a very useful, gritty compression

This effect is useful on bass, where you might need compression and distortion
at the same time, and the 1176 can provide both in a unique way. This trick
also sounds great on screaming lead vocals. And yes, the hardware does this

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