Materials panel – Universal Audio UAD POWERED PLUG-INS ver.6.1 User Manual

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UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual

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Chapter 17: DreamVerb

Materials Panel

The parameters in the Materials panel, in conjunction with the Shape panel

Figure 74 on page 207

) and Reverberation panel (

Figure 77 on page 213

) ef-

fect the spatial characteristics of the reverb.

The material composition of an acoustical space effects how different fre-
quency components decay over time. Materials are characterized by their ab-
sorption rates as a function of frequency—the more the material absorbs a
certain frequency, the faster that frequency decays.


While materials are used to control decay rates as a function of fre-

quency, the overall decay rate of the late-field reverberation is controlled from
the Reverberation panel (see

Figure 77 on page 213


24 real-world materials are provided, including such diverse materials as
brick, marble, hardwood, water surface, and audience. Also included are 24
artificial materials with predefined decay rates, and seven air densities.


The parameters in the Materials panel always effect the late-field re-

verberations. However, the materials parameters effect the early reflections
ONLY if the “Filtering” parameter in the Reflections panel (

Figure 76 on

page 212

) is set to a non-zero value.

Figure 75. DreamVerb Materials panel

First material

selector menu

First material


Second material

selector menu




Air Density


Air Density

selector menu

Solid materials

Blending Bar

Air Blending


2nd material


First material


Air percentage

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