SENA STS Series User Manual

Page 18

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No flow control


Press the [ENTER] key.


Enter your user name and password to log into the STS Series. The factory default user

settings are as follows.

Login: root

Password: root

Login: admin

Password: admin login: root
[email protected]:~#


Upon authentication, the CLI are initially provided for configuration. For details on the CLI,

refer to the chapter 8. CLI guide.


“ss.edit” command will allow you to enter the text-menu driven interface and the menu

screen in Figure 2-8 is displayed.

[email protected]:~#ss.edit


Welcome to STS-800 configuration page
Current time: 08/22/2003 21:52:36

F/W REV.: v1.0.1

Serial No.: STS800438349-42944

MAC address: 00-01-95-04-19-5a

IP mode: DHCP

IP address:


Select menu:

1. Network configuration
2. Serial port configuration
3. PC Card configuration
4. System administration
5. Save changes
6. Exit without saving
7. Exit and apply changes
8. Exit and reboot


Figure 2-8 The main menu screen (STS800)

From the main menu screen, the user may select the menu item for the configuration of the STS

Series parameters by typing the menu number and pressing the [ENTER] key. In the submenu screen,

users can configure the required parameters guided by online comments. All the parameters are

stored into the non-volatile memory space of the STS Series, and it will not be stored until users select

menu ”5.Save changes”. All the configuration change will be effective after selecting the menu “7. Exit

and apply changes” or “8. Exit and reboot.