Modbus ascii/rtu basics – B&B Electronics MESP211D_T - Manual User Manual
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Modbus Help
Vlinx MESP211 Modbus Gateway
The Modbus protocol emerged in the mid-1970s as an early protocol for linking terminals
with Modicon PLCs using a master/slave (sometimes called a master/client) relationship. A
simple, open, message-based protocol, it caught on quickly and became a de facto standard
in the industry. It supports asynchronous point-to-point and multidrop communications and
can be used with a variety of serial interfaces (RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, modems, etc.).
The original Modbus specification included two possible transmission modes: ASCII and
RTU. Modbus RTU mode is the most common implementation, using binary coding and CRC
error-checking. Modbus ASCII messages, though somewhat more readable because they
use ASCII characters, is less efficient and uses less effective LRC error checking. ASCII
mode uses ASCII characters to begin and end messages whereas RTU uses time gaps (3.5
character times) of silence for framing. The two modes are incompatible so a device
configured for ASCII mode cannot communicate with one using RTU.
All Modbus communications are initiated by Modbus masters using a polling query/response
format. The master can send broadcast messages (using a slave address of 0), which all
slaves accept, but do not reply to. More commonly the master polls individual slaves
sequentially. In each poll it sends a message containing a device address, followed by a
function code, any data that maybe required, and an error check field. The addressed
slave responds with a similar message structure. Typically it repeats back its address and
the function code, and then sends a field indicating the number of bytes of data it is
sending, followed by the data and the error check field.
Slave addresses can range from 1 to 247. Function codes include several common ones
typically used in all applications, and additional ones that may be implemented in specific
cases. Common function codes include: Read Coil Status (01), Read Input Status (02), Read
Holding Registers (03) and Read Input Registers (04).
When a master sends a message to a slave it expects to receive a valid response within
certain length of time. If the slave does not receive the message, or if the slave receives the
message but an error is detected, it does not respond. If the slave cannot respond
appropriately for some other reason (e.g. it does not recognize the function code), it will
return a message containing an exception response.