Timer/counter modes, Atar862-8 – Rainbow Electronics ATAR862-8 User Manual
Page 55

Timer 3 consists of an 8-bit up-counter with two compare registers and one capture reg-
ister. The timer can be used as event counter, timer and signal generator. Its output can
be programmed as modulator and demodulator for the serial interface. The two com-
pare re gisters enab le vario us mod es of signal gen eratio n, m odulatio n an d
demodulation. The counter can be driven by internal and external clock sources. For
external clock sources, it has a programmable edge-sensitive input which can be used
as counter input, capture signal input or trigger input. This timer input is synchronized
with SYSCL. Therefore, in the power-down mode SLEEP (CPU core -> sleep and OSC-
Stop -> yes), this timer input is stopped too. The counter is readable via its capture reg-
ister while it is running. In capture mode, the counter value can be captured by a
programmable capture event from the Timer 3 input or Timer 2 output.
A special feature of this timer is the trigger- and single-action mode. In trigger mode, the
counter starts counting triggered by the external signal at its input. In single-action
mode, the counter counts only one time up to the programmed compare match event.
These modes are very useful for modulation, demodulation, signal generation, signal
measurement and phase controlling. For phase controlling, the timer input is protected
against negative voltages and has zero-cross detection capability.
Timer 3 has a modulator output stage and input functions for demodulation. As modula-
tor it works together with Timer 2 or the serial interface. When the shift register is used
for modulation the data shifted out of the register is encoded bitwise. In all demodulation
modes, the decoded data bits are shifted automatically into the shift register.
Timer/Counter Modes
Timer 3 has 6 timer modes and 6 modulator/demodulator modes. The mode is set via
the Timer 3 Mode Register T3M.
In all these modes, the compare register and the compare-mode register belonging to it
define the counter value for a compare match and the action of a compare match. A
match of the current counter value with the content of one compare register triggers a
counter reset, a Timer 3 interrupt or the toggling of the output flip-flop. The compare
mode registers T3M1 and T3M2 contain the mask bits for enabling or disabling these
The counter can also be enabled to execute single actions with one or both compare
registers. If this mode is set the corresponding compare match event is generated only
once after the counter start.
Most of the timer modes use their compare registers alternately. After the start has been
activated, the first comparison is carried out via the compare register 1, the second is
carried out via the compare register 2, the third is carried out again via the compare reg-
ister 1 and so on. This makes it easy to generate signals with constant periods and
variable duty cycle or to generate signals with variable pulse and space widths.
If single-action mode is set for one compare register, the comparison is always carried
out after the first cycle via the other compare register.
The counter can be started and stopped via the control register T3C. This register also
controls the initial level of the output before start. T3C contains the interrupt mask for a
T3I input interrupt.
Via the Timer 3 clock-select register, the internal or external clock source can be
selected. This register selects also the active edge of the external input. An edge at the
external input T3I can generate also an interrupt if the T3EIM-bit is set and the Timer 3
is stopped (T3R = 0) in the T3C-register.