Axle shift system components, Air shift unit – Spicer Tandem Drive Axle Dual Range & Double Planetary 34,000-45,000 lbs User Manual

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Axle Shift System Components

Air Shift Unit


Description and Operation

Air Shift Unit-Exploded View

(Forward Axle Unit Illustrated)

The Piston Air-Shift Units are

The unit consists of an air chamber,

shifting the axle into High range.

engineered for efficient perform-

piston, compression spring and

Exhaust of air pressure permits the

ante and built for reliable,

mechanical linkage. When air is

heavy-duty spring to return the axle

service-free operation.

admitted to the chamber or cylinder, gearing to Low range.

Operation of each unit is

the piston travels downward against

as follows: The shift units are

a compression spring, transferring

mechanically connected to the axle

motion through a push rod and

shift forks and shift axles into Low

actuating lever to the shift fork,

or High range.


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