Disassemble drive pinion – Spicer Tandem Drive Axle Dual Range & Double Planetary 34,000-45,000 lbs User Manual
Page 45
Disassemble Drive Pinion
Sicer drive axles may be equipped with either "slip-fit" or "press-fit" outer pinion bearings.
procedures are contained in this section for disassembly of both types.
During the following
yoke removal procedure, the drive
pinion may fall out of bearings and
cage. Do not allow pinion to drop
on hard surface.
1. Rear Axle Pinion Yoke:
Remove yoke. If pinion nut was
not loosened during earlier disas-
sembly, clamp assembly in vise
jaws, use brass pads to prevent
2. Forward and Rear Axle Pinion
Bearing Cage:
For pinion with
"press-fit" bearing cone, support
cage and press pinion out of bear-
ing cage and bearing cone.
For pinion with "slip-fit" bearing
cone, the cage, outer bearing and
pinion can usually be disassem-
bled easily without a press. If
difficulty is experienced, use
a press.
Loosen and remove pinion nut
and flat washer.
Flat washers are not used
with metric threaded nuts. Metric nuts
went into production on 7-1-95.
Removing "Sllp-Fit" Outer Bearing
Cone (Rear Axle illustrated).
3. Rear Axle Pinion Oil Seal and
Outer Bearing Cone:
Remove oil
seal and bearing cone from cage.
Discard oil seal. Remove bearing
cups with suitable puller.
Removing Bearing Cage (Rear
Axle illustrated).