How to use a filter to define a bin rule, How to modify an existing bin rule – EVS IPDirector Version 6.0 - November 2012 Part 3 User's Manual User Manual

Page 84

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How to Use a Filter to Define a Bin Rule

You have the possibility to use a search filter of your choice to define a bin rule. This filter
criterion may be combined with a post process criterion explained in the previous section.
To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Apply a filter with Quick Text Search or Grid Filters.

See section "Searching the Database" on page 84 for details.

2. Right-click the bin

3. Select Bin Rules > Set Current Filter as Bin Filter from the contextual menu.

The Bin Rules window opens. See section "Bin Rules Window" on page 74 for a
detailed description of the window.

4. Select the Clips / Playlist / Timeline tab to check the Condition summary.

5. (optional) Select the Apply bin rule filter to existing clips option if you want the

new rule to apply to existing material.

This is only available for clips, not for playlists or timelines.

6. Set the Post Process options, if desired.

7. Set the Validity dates for the bin rule.

8. Click the Save button.

The clips, playlists or timelines that match the rules you have defined, will now
automatically be copied to this bin.


How to Modify an Existing Bin Rule

To modify an existing bin rule, proceed as follows:

1. Select a bin in the tree structure.

2. Right-click the bin.

3. Select Bin Rules > Modify Bin Rules from the contextual menu.

The Bin Rules window opens.

4. Select the Clip, Playlist or Timeline tab, depending on which elements the rules

should be modified for.

5. Make your modifications.

6. Click the Save button.


9. Bins View

EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A. - November 2012

Issue 6.00.B