ZyXEL Communications VES-1000 User Manual
Page 52

VES-1000 Series Ethernet Switch
Port Setup
Figure 5-2 VDSL Port Setup
The Menu 6.1 – VDSL Port Setup fields are explained in the next table.
Table 5-A VDSL Port Setup
User Name
Choose a descriptive name for identification purposes. This name can be
up to 30 alphanumeric characters long. Spaces are not allowed, but
dashes “-” and underscores "_" are accepted.
The factory default of all VDSL ports is disabled. A port must be enabled
for data transmission to occur. Press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes and
press [ENTER] to enable the specified VDSL port.
This read-only (r.o.) field displays the type of port you are currently
configuring. (Ethernet Ports 13 and 14 relate to the VES-1012 only).
Upstream Press [SPACE BAR] to cycle through the upstream speeds. Speeds
available depend on the VDSL Mode chosen in Menu 2 – Switch Setup.
Please refer to Table 4-C VDSL Mode, Frequency Ranges and Speeds.
Downstream Press [SPACE BAR] to cycle through the downstream speeds available for
the VDSL Mode chosen in Menu 2 – Switch Setup.
Edit Spanning
Tree Protocol
Press [SPACE BAR] once to select Yes and then press [ENTER] to go to
Menu 6.1 - Port Spanning Tree Protocol Setup. You must enable STP
on the switch (in menu 2) before you configure it on a port(s). Note that
you very rarely need to enable STP on VDSL ports since the VDSL ports
are directly connected to the users.
Edit VLAN Setup Press [SPACE BAR] once to select Yes and then press [ENTER] to open
Menu 6.1.3 — Port VLAN Setup.
Default Port
The Default Port Priority value is added to incoming frames without a
(802.1p) priority tag. The default is 0. Use this field to define the default
priority of each port.
When you have completed this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt “Press ENTER to Confirm…” to save your
configuration, or press [ESC] at any time to cancel.
Menu 6.1 - VDSL Port Setup
User Name= JoeSoap
Active= No
Type= VDSL (r.o.)
Upstream= 12500K
Downstream= 12500K
Edit Spanning Tree Protocol Setup= No
Edit VLAN Setup= No
Default Port Priority= 0
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel: