ZyXEL Communications P-661H Series User Manual
Page 347

P-661H/HW Series User’s Guide
Appendix J
XAUTH fail! Username:
The router was not able to use extended authentication to
authenticate the listed username.
Rule[%d] Phase 1 negotiation
mode mismatch
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 negotiation mode did not match
between the router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 1 encryption
algorithm mismatch
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 encryption algorithm did not
match between the router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 1
authentication algorithm
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 authentication algorithm did not
match between the router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 1
authentication method
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 authentication method did not
match between the router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 1 key group
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 key group did not match
between the router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 2 protocol
The listed rule’s IKE phase 2 protocol did not match between
the router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 2 encryption
algorithm mismatch
The listed rule’s IKE phase 2 encryption algorithm did not
match between the router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 2
authentication algorithm
The listed rule’s IKE phase 2 authentication algorithm did not
match between the router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 2
encapsulation mismatch
The listed rule’s IKE phase 2 encapsulation did not match
between the router and the peer.
Rule [%d]> Phase 2 pfs
The listed rule’s IKE phase 2 perfect forward secret (pfs)
setting did not match between the router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 1 ID mismatch The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 ID did not match between the
router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 1 hash
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 hash did not match between the
router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 1 preshared
key mismatch
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 pre-shared key did not match
between the router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Tunnel built
The listed rule’s IPSec tunnel has been built successfully.
Rule [%d] Peer's public key
not found
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 peer’s public key was not found.
Rule [%d] Verify peer's
signature failed
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1verification of the peer’s
signature failed.
Rule [%d] Sending IKE request IKE sent an IKE request for the listed rule.
Rule [%d] Receiving IKE
IKE received an IKE request for the listed rule.
Swap rule to rule [%d]
The router changed to using the listed rule.
Rule [%d] Phase 1 key length
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 key length (with the AES
encryption algorithm) did not match between the router and
the peer.
Rule [%d] phase 1 mismatch
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 did not match between the router
and the peer.
Table 156 IKE Logs (continued)