Maintenance, Maintenance of the server, Maintenance of the keyboard – Toshiba Magnia Z300 User Manual

Page 52: 3 clean every key with a soft dry cloth, Maintenance of the display unit

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Getting Started



Maintenance of the server

If the outside of the server is dirty or stained, gently wipe it off
with a soft cloth. If it is severely dirty, moisten the soft cloth with
water and lightly wipe off the dirt..
If benzene, thinner or a similar substances is used for cleaning or a
chemical such as an insecticide is applied onto the surface, the
server may be deformed or discolored.
Do not subject the server to a strong shock or vibration. If the
server is dropped or knocked against other objects, it may cause a
failure or malfunction of the server.

Maintenance of the keyboard

If dust has accumulated in crevices in the keyboard, it may cause
malfunction of the keyboard. Clean the keyboard according to the
following procedure:

1 Shut down the server to cut off the power supply to the key-


2 Remove dust between the keys using a vacuum cleaner.

3 Clean every key with a soft dry cloth.

NOTE: Be very careful not to spill liquid on the keyboard.

Maintenance of the display unit

Dust accumulates on the display screen because of static electric-
ity. Wipe down the display screen with dry soft cloth regularly.
Don’t use wet cloth for cleaning.