5 is the correct device driver installed, 6 is the software set up properly, 7 is the software used correctly – Toshiba Magnia Z300 User Manual

Page 234: Remedy when windows nt/2000 is usable

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Remedy When Windows NT/2000 is Usable


Was the entire necessary procedure executed, and were all nec-
essary files installed?

5 Is the correct device driver installed?

6 Is the software set up properly?

7 Is the software used correctly?

If the trouble cannot be solved, contact the customer service
section of the software manufacturer.

Remedy When Windows NT/2000 is Usable

If you yourself cannot solve the problem that has occurred on a
system on which Windows NT/2000 can be used, carry out the
procedure below, and contact your Toshiba Technical Support.

1 Save the System Information for Windows 2000 or report of

the Windows NT Diagnostic.

2 Copy the trouble analysis information to floppy disk, MO Disk

or other storage device so that the information can be retrieved.

3 Execute the Harness Eye/web software, and make sure that

there are no erroneous devices.

See the operating manual of Harness Eye / web

4 Execute the utilities for the mounted devices (RAID controller,

UPS, etc.), and make sure that there are no abnormalities.

See the operating manual of respective device.

5 Note down the details of the trouble, how frequently the trou-

ble occurs, the environment where the trouble occurs, and the
method of simulating the trouble.

6 In the case of systems not equipped with a redundant Hard

Disk Drive (HDD) or when the cause of the trouble cannot be
specified, shut down the system for fail-safe purposes, switch
the server off, and contact your Toshiba Technical Support.

7 On a system equipped with a redundant Hard Disk Drive

(HDD), if it can be confirmed that one of the devices is mal-