15 − appendix – Tascam 2488neo User Manual

Page 118

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No. Message




Import file not
found. Use
import file.

Press [EXIT].

The file selected (backup file, WAV file for
import, or SMF) is not available.

Press NO/EXIT, use the USB OPEN function
to transfer the appropriate file to the FAT parti-
tion and then try importing again.


Invalid Fs rate detect-
ed. Check
your system

Press [EXIT].

Digital audio input mode has been selected, but
the 2488neo has detected the wrong sampling
frequency (Fs) for the incoming digital audio to
be used.

Press NO/EXIT and check the digital audio
source. The output should be 44.1 kHz (note
that some players output 48 kHz). A unit with
varispeed (pitch control) may have varispeed
turned on, altering the sampling frequency from
44.1 kHz.


Master track is
too short. Use
to correct it.

Press [EXIT].

The master track is too short, and therefore
cannot be checked.

A master track must be at least 4 seconds
long in order to burn it to a CD. Set the OUT
point to 00:00:04:00:0 or later, then press the
MIXDOWN/MASTERING key and record a
master track using the mixdown function.
The OUT point can be set by pressing the OUT
key while holding down the LOCATE key.


MTC slave mode
Cannot do this
operation now.

Press [EXIT].

Since the unit is currently slaved to external
MIDI timecode, the selected operation cannot
take place. Operations not possible in MTC
slave mode include: pitch control and SSA,
repeat playback, auto-punch operations, jog
and trim as well as audio CD playback and
digital audio input.

Press NO/EXIT and use the menu system
(SYNC/MIDI->SYNC) to select INTERNAL sync.


No file for import
has been found.
Change CD [YES],
else press [NO]

No WAV file for import has been discovered on
the loaded CD.

Press YES/ENTER to change the disc (use an
ISO9660 formatted disc which contains audio
data with 44.1 kHz sampling frequency in WAV
format) or NO to cancel the operation.


No free hard
disk space, Use
to make space.

Press [EXIT].

The hard disk is full, and the current operation
has failed because it needs hard disk space.

Press NO/EXIT and use one of the


menu operations such as DELETE UNUSED or
ERASE to free up some space (these opera-
tions cannot be undone).


point. Use
IN-OUT instead.

Press [EXIT].

Can’t use the last recording point for auto
punch operations, as no recording has been
done yet.

Press NO/EXIT and set the IN and OUT points
as the punch positions. Use the RHSL key to
refine these points if necessary, by rehearsing
takes without recording.


No locate
markers have
been set.Use

Press [EXIT].

Because there are no mark points currently set,
a location command cannot be performed.

Press NO/EXIT, and use the INSERT key from
the home screen to add some mark points at
the appropriate positions.


No master track
found. Use
to create one.

Press [EXIT].

An audio CD cannot be made because there
is no song with a master track created by
mixdown on the currently used partition.

In order to create an audio CD, master tracks
for each song must be prepared in advance.
Select a song that you want to master to a
CD (MENU -> SONG -> LOAD). Then, after
setting the OUT point in advance, press the
MIXDOWN/MASTERING key to execute the
mixdown function and record a master track.
Moreover, to write multiple songs to a CD
together using Disc at Once (DAO), follow the
above procedures in advance for every song to
be written.

15 − Appendix


TASCAM 2488neo