Tascam DP-01 User Manual
Tascam Audio

DP-01 • DP-01FX • DP-01FX/CD
• Connect powered speakers or an amplifier to the LINE OUT.
• Connect your audio source into MIC IN, or LINE/GUITAR IN L preferably
something that will continue playing like a CD player, Tape Deck, Tape out or
Record out from a stereo receiver.
• Move all the faders up to the grey line.
• Press and hold down the ASSIGN A button (the light should be blinking)
simultaneously press the REC button above channel number 1 (the light should
be blinking). Both lights should be blinking together
• Release the ASSIGN A and the REC button
• Press the REC button above channel 1 (the light should be blinking by itself)
• You should see the meters moving with in the display above Input A and Track
• Press the REWIND BUTTON twice until the display reads ABS
• Press and hold the RECORD button and simultaneously press the PLAY button
the REC light above channel one, the PLAY light and the RECORD light should
become solid.
• After recording press the STOP button. Press the REWIND button twice until the
display reads ABS
• Press the PLAY button.
You should hear what you recorded.