Manual acquisition – Raymarine autopilot control unit User Manual
Page 36

Chapter 3: Advanced Operation
The display shows the new bearing to waypoint.
Manual Acquisition
For manual track acquisition, when only cross track error data is
Steer the vessel to within 0.1 nm of track.
Bring the heading to within 5° of the bearing to the next waypoint.
track to enter Track mode.
The display shows the locked pilot heading.
Note: At low speeds, the effect of tidal streams is far more significant
than at higher speeds. Provided the tidal flow is less than 35% of the
vessel’s speed, no noticeable difference should occur in the
performance of Track mode. However, extra care should be taken
during manual acquisition, as follows:
• Ensure that the vessel is as close as possible to track, and the
direction made good over the ground is as close as possible to the
direction of the next waypoint, before selecting Track mode.
07/01/99, 12:41
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