Master block settings – Roland Vs-880 User Manual
Page 71

EFFECT 1 Send (Effect 1 send level)
Specify the volume level (0Ð127) of the signal that is sent to
the EFFECT 1 buss. The default setting is 100.
EFFECT 1 Pan (Effect 1 pan)
EFFECT 1 Bal (Effect 1 balance)
For channels on which Channel Link is ÒOff,Ó this sets the
panning (L63Ð0ÐR63) of the stereo signal which is output to
the EFFECT 1 buss. ТL63У is far left, and ТR63У is far right.
For channels on which Channel Link is ТOn,У this sets the
left/right volume balance (L63Ð0ÐR63) of the stereo signal
from the paired channels which is output to the EFFECT 1
The default value is Т0У (center).
EFFECT 2 (Effect 2 switch)
Specify how the signal is sent to the EFFECT 2 buss.
The signal will not be sent.
The signal will be taken before the channel
The signal will be taken after the channel
The effect will be inserted between the equal-
izer and fader of the channel.
Insert into the L side of a stereo effect.
Insert into the R side of a stereo effect.
Insert the L side and R side of a stereo effect
in series.
* If the effect is inserted in another channel, the value will
appear as ТСР,У and cannot be selected.
EFFECT 2 Send (Effect 2 send level)
Specify the volume level (0Ð127) of the signal that is sent to
the EFFECT 2 buss. The default setting is 100.
EFFECT 2 Pan (Effect 2 pan)
EFFECT 2 Bal (Effect 2 balance)
For channels on which Channel Link is ÒOff,Ó this sets the
panning (L63Ð0ÐR63) of the stereo signal which is output to
the EFFECT 2 buss. ТL63У is far left, and ТR63У is far right.
For channels on which Channel Link is ТOn,У this sets the
left/right volume balance (L63Ð0ÐR63) of the stereo signal
from the paired channels which is output to the EFFECT 2
The default value is Т0У (center).
Master block settings
EFF1 INS Sw (Effect 1 insert switch)
The effect will not be inserted into the master out
(same as Ver.1).
The effect will be inserted into the master out.
EFF1 SND Lev (Effect 1 send level)
Adjust the send level. The default value is 100.
EFF1 SND Bal (Effect 1 send balance)
Adjust the left/right volume balance. The initial value is 0
EFF1 RTN to (Effect 1 return to)
Select the output destination of effect 1. The busses that can
be selected will depend on the current mixer mode.
When in INPUT
TRACK mode
the MIX buss (stereo)
the AUX buss (stereo)
When in INPUT MIX mode / TRACK MIX mode
the MIX buss (stereo)
REC buss 1-2
REC buss 3-4
REC buss 5-6
REC buss 7-8
EFF1 RTN Lev (Effect 1 return level)
Set the output level (0Ð127) of effect 1.
EFF1 Bal (Effect 1 balance)
Set the left/right volume balance (L63Ð0ÐR63) of effect 1.
EFF2 INS Sw (Effect 2 insert switch)
The effect will not be inserted into the master out
(same as Ver.1).
The effect will be inserted into the master out.
EFF2 SND Lev (Effect 2 send level)
Adjust the send level. The default value is 100.
EFF2 SND Bal (Effect 2 send balance)
Adjust the left/right volume balance. The initial value is 0
EFF2 RTN to (Effect 2 return to)
Select the output destination of effect 2. The busses that can
be selected will depend on the current mixer mode.
When in INPUT
TRACK mode
the MIX buss (stereo)
the AUX buss (stereo)
When in INPUT MIX mode / TRACK MIX mode
MIX: the MIX buss (stereo)
REC buss 1-2
REC buss 3-4
REC buss 5-6
REC buss 7-8
EFF2 RTN Lev (Effect 2 return level)
Set the output level (0Ð127) of effect 2.
EFF2 Bal (Effect 2 balance)
Set the left/right volume balance (L63Ð0ÐR63) of effect 2.
Chapter 3 Basic operation (as a replacement for a tape MTR)
Chapter 3