Introduction, About the package contents, How this manual is organized – Roland Vs-880 User Manual

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Thank you for purchasing the Roland VS-880 V-XPANDED Digital Studio Workstation or the VS-
880-S1 System Expansion Kit.
The VS-880 V-XPANDED is a revolution in home studio equipment that makes a cutting-edge stu-
dio environment available to the musician. Disk recorder, digital mixer, and multi effects are
brought together in a unified system that allows the entire process from recording to mixdown,
effects and output to PA equipment to take place entirely in the digital domain.
The VS-880-S1 is an expansion kit that


the system software of the VS-880 that you have

been using to full V-XPANDED functionality. In addition to the superb digital studio functionality
that you have already been enjoying, you will now be able to experience even more powerful func-
tions and even easier operation.
The documentation for VS-880 V-XPANDED consists of two manuals: ÒQuick StartÓ and ÒOwnerÕs
ManualÓ (this document). If you are using the VS-880 for the first time, please read ÒQuick StartÓ

About the package contents

If you purchased the VS-880 V-XPANDED

The VS-880 V-XPANDED package includes the following items. Make sure that you have all the

• VS-880
• Power cable
• Quick Start
• Owner’s Manual (this manual)
• VS8F-1 Preset Patch List
• Leaflet “Notes when using a Zip drive”
• V-XPANDED sticker

If you purchased the VS-880-S1

The VS-880-S1 package includes the following items. Make sure that you have all the items.

• VS-880-S1 (Zip disk)
• Expanding the functionality of the VS-880
• Owner’s Manual (this manual)
• VS8F-1 Preset Patch List
• V-XPANDED sticker

How this manual is organized

This manual is organized as follows.

Chapter 1 Trying out the expanded functions

This chapter provides some simple examples which explain the operation of the expanded VS-880.
If you have purchased the VS-880-S1, read this first to learn which functions are added by the V-
XPANDED upgrade.
If you purchased the VS-880 V-XPANDED, read the separate ÒQuick StartÓ first.

Chapter 2 Before you start (VS-880 terminology)

This chapter explains basic concepts that you will need to understand in order to use the VS-880.
It also explains various


that you should know.

Chapter 3 Basic operation (as a replacement for a

tape MTR)

This chapter explains the actual steps in the procedure of creating a master tape.
