Roland Vs-880 User Manual
Page 151

Creating a new song (Song New) .................................... 62
Naming a song (Song Name) ............................................ 62
Saving a song (Song Store) ................................................ 74
Selecting a different song (Song Select) ........................... 75
Copying a song (Song Copy) ............................................ 94
Erasing a song (Song Erase) ............................................ 113
Protecting a song from erasure (Song Protect) ............... 74
Erasing only unneeded data from a song (Song Optimize)
................................... 113
Moving to the beginning of a song (Song Top) .............. 56
Moving to the end of a song (Song End) ......................... 56
Sources ..................................................................................... 46
Space chorus ............................................................................ 24
Stereo in ................................................................................... 21
Sub frame ................................................................................. 57
Sync source .............................................................................. 91
Sync track
Recording MIDI clock on the sync track ......................... 92
Using the sync track to synchronize operation with an
external MIDI device .......................................................... 91
Specifying an offset for the sync track ............................. 42
Creating a tempo map from the sync track .................... 41
Creating the sync track automatically ............................. 41
Tap marker function .............................................................. 59
Tempo map
Creating a tempo map ....................................................... 90
Changing the initial tempo of the tempo map ............... 90
Changing the tempo mid-way through the tempo map
..................................... 91
Specifying an offset for the tempo map .......................... 42
Terminator ............................................................................. 130
Terminator power supply ................................................... 130
Time compression/expansion .............................................. 84
Erasing a track (Track Erase) ............................................ 81
Inserting blank space into a track (Track Insert) ............ 82
Exchanging track contents with another track (Track
Exchange) ............................................................................. 81
Deleting part of a track (Track Cut) ................................. 83
Re-using part of a track (Track Copy) ............................. 78
Changing the time at which a track begins to sound
(Track Move) ....................................................................... 79
Re-recording several tracks onto another track (Track
Bouncing) ............................................................................. 67
Using 3-band equalizers in TRACK MIX ........................ 20
Track status
Switching the track status ................................................. 55
Using MIDI to switch the track status ............................. 86
Preventing the undo message from being displayed .. 113
Canceling undo (Redo) .................................................... 113
Vari-pitch ............................................................................... 111
Vocal canceller ........................................................................ 28
Applying the vocoder while recording ......................... 104
Voice transformer
Using the channel faders to adjust the voice transformer
..................................... 31
Using a MIDI keyboard to adjust the voice transformer
..................................... 31
VS8F-1 ...................................................................................... 54
Switching V-tracks ............................................................. 63
Zero return .............................................................................. 14
Zip disks
Initializing a Zip disk (Initialize) ...................................... 93
Saving a song on a single Zip disk (Playable) ................ 94
Saving a song on multiple Zip disks (Archive) .............. 95
Loading a song from multiple Zip disks (Extract) ........ 96
Zip drive
Connecting a Zip drive ...................................................... 93